Posted in: Comics | Tagged: canada, cannabis, comic shop, ottowa
Canadian Comic Store Closure Blamed On Cannabis Legalisation
Bleeding Cool regularly reports on the opening and closure of comic book stores around the world. Reasons for closure are often varied, though usually relate to the local economy. This reason is brand new to me.. The legalisation of cannabis in Canada.
Crosstown Traffic of Ottowa is closing. The store opened in 1992 as a record and comic book store, after owner Mike Foster began selling his own collection at a flea market, which led to him setting up a comic book and record store, before turning into a "head shop" as well. But after the legalisation of cannabis, that all changed. Foster told City News "between 2000 to 2015 were our best years because cannabis wasn't legal yet and we were brave enough to take a chance and not cross any lines and go right to the edge and put a good face on cannabis. We never got in trouble with the law. I'm sure we were investigated, but were deemed to be of little interest."
Cannabis in Canada is legal for both recreational and medicinal purpose, when the federal Cannabis Act came into effect on 17th October 2018 making Canada the second country in the world, after Uruguay, to formally legalize the cultivation, possession, acquisition and consumption of cannabis and its by-products.
As a result, plenty of actual cannabis shops set up operation, making head shops a little redundant, and Mike Foster declined to apply for a license. "I pulled out because I thought the process wasn't transparent. In hindsight, I'm glad I didn't because there are too many stores. In a few years, you'll see half the stores close."
Unable to compete with a flood of new players in cannabis retail, and finding it increasingly difficult to make ends meet, he returned the store to being just a record and comic book shop. "We've come full circle. I started as a comic book and record store before we brought in the pot paraphernalia and now we're back to being a comic and record store" until he closes it all down in March.
Unable to compete with a flood of new players in cannabis retail, and finding it increasingly difficult to make ends meet, Foster decided to close the store and retire. "I never really was motivated by money. I was motivated by independence. So I could embrace the tough times and ride them through. People who open businesses for money often get disillusioned and leave. There's a joy in working for myself. That's why we've hung in here in recent years."
He posts on Facebook, "Closing March 31. The liquidation continues. Regularly priced new and used vinyl is now 20% off (anything that is not already discounted). ALL books, comics and magazines remain half price. 50% off of remaining garden supplies. Please share this post" Will do!!!