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DC Comics Run Memorial Page For John Cassaday In Their Titles

DC Comics run a memorial page for John Cassaday from Jim Lee, Mark Waid, John Layman, Jimmy Palmiotti, Warren Ellis and Laura Martin

Article Summary

  • DC Comics pays tribute to John Cassaday with a memorial page by industry legends.
  • John Cassaday, co-creator of Planetary, passes at age 52, leaving a lasting impact.
  • Jim Lee, Mark Waid, and others celebrate Cassaday's art and friendship in heartfelt tributes.
  • Friends and colleagues remember Cassaday's kindness, talent, and influence in the comic industry.

John Cassaday died on the 9th of September, at the age of 52, Co-creator of Planetary with Warren EllisDesperadoes with Jeff Mariotte and I Am Legion with Fabien Nury, and was the artist on Astonishing X-Men with Joss WhedonCaptain America with John Ney Rieber and Jeph Loeb, and Star Wars with Jason Aaron and Art Director at Dynamite Entertainment. A memorial service for friends, colleagues, and family was held for him in New York last week, which coincided with the New York Comic Con. DC Comics published the following tribute to the late John Cassaday in its titles tomorrow.

DC Comics Run Memorial Page For John Cassaday In Their Titles
DC Comics Run Memorial Page For John Cassaday In Their Titles

John Cassaday was one of my favorite creators. He was an incredible artist who drew beautifully naturalistic figures when house styles chased hyperrealism trends. A true maverick, John was also a nuanced storyteller who relied on sharp compositions and precise framing, which made his imagery cinematic and powerful. The sum total was just pure comics. John was truly the kindest and most generous spirit. An integral part of WildStorm's early history and success, he spent a lot of time with us in San Diego. John'ss passing leaves me stunned and heartbroken. Rest in peace, buddy. – Jim Lee, DC Comics Publisher & CCO

My dear friend John Cassaday was not just an amazing artist but an amazing person—warm, kind, funny. charming, and generous. I knew him for nearly half my life. and ours was one of my most precious and valued friendships. He was easily one of the best comics illustrators and storytellers of the 21st century, a reference point and inspiration to the dozens and dozens of artists whose work he influenced. Most people, after they pass, are remembered only by a small group of friends and loved ones. John will be talked about and remembered by an entire industry for ages, and rightfully so. Rest in peace, Johnny. Love you. –Mark Waid (Justice League Unlimited, Kingdom Come)

Working with John Cassaday on Planetary was one of the greatest periods of my comics career and certainly informed how I'd approach comics in the years to come. Planetary was a showcase of the potential and possibility of comics, and there could not be a more thrilling book to work on nor a more visionary artist than John. In those years, we forged a friendship that would last for a lifetime. John was a brilliant artist, but as great as he was, John was an even better friend. I'm gonna miss him forever. – John Layman (Planetary, Titans)

I first met John in the '90s and was instantly blown away by his amazing artwork. He had a presence about him—a smile that lit up the room and an ease and softness to his voice and mannerisms that always made everyone around him want more of his attention. He loved comics, loved the art form, and encouraged and celebrated everyone's work around him. I was so happy to give him such a hearty hug when I saw him last. but little did I ever dream it would be the last time. The world lost a great artist, and those in his circle lost a loyal, loving, and dear friend. – Jimmy Palmiotti (Harley Quinn, Jonah Hex)

John was a titan. That tall, rangy, lantern-jawed Texan with the easy smile and the bone-dry sense of humor had universes inside him. He could do anything. He challenged himself as an artist and storyteller constantly, never standing still, always reaching for new peaks and always finding them. His kindness was eternal. My life would have been a very different and lesser thing if not for John Cassaday. The world and our medium are thinner and meaner places for his passing. These words are not enough. Good night, my good friend. – Warren Ellis (Planetary)

John Cassaday started working on Desperadoes at Wildstorm just as this newly minted colorist was learning the ropes in the coloring department. I got the chance to join John on Planetary, and history was made for both of us. John played no small part in making me the colorist I am today, by pushing me to try techniques and effects while teaching me a great deal about the power of color in storytelling. Not only that, but John was sweet and down-to-earth, a gentleman and a dear friend from day one. John, I am a better artist and person for having known you and shared in your vision. – Laura Martin (Planetary)


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Rich JohnstonAbout Rich Johnston

Founder of Bleeding Cool. The longest-serving digital news reporter in the world, since 1992. Author of The Flying Friar, Holed Up, The Avengefuls, Doctor Who: Room With A Deja Vu, The Many Murders Of Miss Cranbourne, Chase Variant. Lives in South-West London, works from The Union Club on Greek Street, shops at Gosh, Piranha and FP. Father of two daughters. Political cartoonist.
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