Posted in: Comics | Tagged: fcbd, free comic book day
Free Comic Book Day Will Be Delayed Or Staggered In The UK
Free Comic Book Day is Saturday, August the 14th. Or at least it is meant to be. Diamond UK has just informed British and European stores that this is no longer happening in the way that was planned. US comic stores received almost all of their Free Comic Book Day titles last week in readiness, with a couple of stragglers coming in tomorrow. In the UK, it seems that many won't even arrive by the planned Free Comic Book Day date and so either stores will have to delay their Free Comic Book Day a couple of weeks, or stagger what gets given away…
Dear Retailer,
Due to the continuing freight and shipping problems that we been experiencing since the start of the pandemic (problems that have been exacerbated this past 6 weeks) we regret to advise that we will not be in a position to release all of this years FCBD titles prior to Saturday 14th August.
We understand that with European and Great Britain covid measures being different for each country some of you have been busy preparing for this event whilst others are still unsure of being able to run the event on 14th August.
Taking this into account we can confirm that commencing next week you will start to receive this year, titles each week and that we will aim to deliver ALL FCBD 2021 titles to you no later than Wednesday 25th August.
We anticipate that this will enable you all to make your own decision as to when to hold this year's event.
You may wish to hold the titles until a later date that you feel maybe more appropriate. Alternatively, you may decide to hold an event on the 14th for the titles received so far (plus a follow up event on each week thereafter), or to reschedule so that your event is held on the 28th August, after you have received all the relevant product.
We understand that this isn't ideal but given the continued weekly shipping difficulties we're facing this is the most suitable solution that does not impact on the regular weekly shipments of new product that we continue to release to you all each week.
What will your comic book store choose to do?