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Today's The Green Lantern Annual Brings Back Airwave – and Sonic The Hedgehog – to DC Comics Continuity
Once upon a time, Grant Morrison and Mark Millar wrote The Flash. When they were both bezzy mates and before they became mortal enemies over who took what credits and who said what about their respective health issues. During that run on the series, we got a story, The Human Race, drawn by Paul Ryan, which introduced a new character and a new race…
Krakkl of the Kwyzz, a radio-wave based species who were very very fast indeed, and visually based on Sonic The Hedgehog, a character Mark Millar used to write comic books for.
And whom the Flash had to race for the survival of their world.
Well, in today's The Green Lantern Annual #1 by Grant Morrison and Giuseppe Camuncoli, they're back. With Zzyptzz…
…of the Kwyzz – who is being hunted by the Wireless Ones.
But it's not just Grant Morrison's own DC Universe stylings he's deep-diving back into today. As we get to reunite with Hal Jordan's extended family. Which includes Howard Jordan Jr. Better known as Airwave.
Air Wave was created in 1940 in Detective Comics #60 as Larry Jordan by Murray Boltinoff/Mort Weisinger and Harris Levey. An intern at the Brooklyn District Attorney office, Jordan decided to become a costumed crimefighter using technology, and used his interests in radio and electronics to create his equipment, including a cowl radio system that allowed him to listen in on police reports and special skates that enabled him to travel along telephone lines. He was also accompanied by a parrot named Static, who he talked to and who occasionally aided him in battle.
His wife Helen took over the role in DC Comics Presents #40 byBob Rozakis and Alex Saviuk in 1981, the kind of thing these days would be condemned as political correctness gone mad. Then their son, Howard Jordan, established with innate radio frequency-based powers in 1978 by Dennis O'Neil and Alex Saviuk took the role, as it was retconned that he was the nephew of Hal Jordan and was then referred to as Hal Jordan Jr. Airwave appeared regularly in Green Lantern and then in Action Comics Weekly, as well as renaming himself to Maser in Firestorm in the late eighties for a short while.
Little used afterwards, he died in Infinite Crisis, returning briefly as a revived Black Lantern in Blackest Night, before being destroyed again.
But now? All better, thanks to the healing properties of the New 52 and Rebirth…
Airwave and the Kwzzz all in one comic book? Grant Morrison is spoiling us… anyone have a comment from Mark?
(W) Grant Morrison (A) Giuseppe Camuncoli (CA) Guillem March
A Green Lantern tradition is reborn when the annual Jordan family reunion takes a turn for the bizarre, leaving Hal and his nearest and dearest on the front line of a terrifying invasion from an impossible reality that's closer than you think! There's only one way for intergalactic lawman Hal "Green Lantern" Jordan to prevent the ultra-crime of the millennium-but what will be the outcome when Green Lantern takes on a young superhero sidekick? And who will it be? Also featuring an incredible guest appearance by the strangest Lantern of all-you must not miss THE GREEN LANTERN ANNUAL!In Shops: Jul 31, 2019
SRP: $4.99