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How Secret Wars-y Are Today's Secret Wars Crossovers? Part III
DC Comics know exactly how Convergencey each Convergence title is. In that they are all basically the same. Telos said a thing, everyone had to fight, reluctantly or otherwise, Deimos said another thing, everyone could stop fighting, and then there was an earthquake. Again and again and again.
Secret Wars is different, with individual titles having different levels of connection to the rest of the Battleworld. If you want to read titles that have a greater or lesser connection to the whole, as far as individual issues are concerned, maybe this will help?
In last week's Secret Wars #3, we learned that upon the Battleworld, the Human Torch from the old universe had been turned into the sun. Although in today's Captain Marvel And The Carol Corps #1, whether or not they have a sun seems to be in debate…
Could they both be right? Anyway, what with border invasions and lotsa Doom, this gets a considerable head count as a result.
The opposite of Secret Wars 2099 #2 which doesn't acknowledge the wider world at all.
Ghost Racers #1, seeing plenty of Ghost Riders from different realities (including a centaur with Gatling Gun version that mirrors the original comic book Ghost Rider before the flaming skulls, scores high.
But Ms Deadpool And The Howling Commandoes #1 would have but one head for the logo, if it wasn't for this introduction which at least mentions the place…
Inferno #2, just like the first issue is very lacking in Secret Wars-yness, aside from this one mention, with Doom replacing God in the local vernacular.
While Spider-Verse #2 misses an opportunity in this regard…
While Marvel Zombies #1, fighting on the Shield to defend the world from the dead versions of themselves, by its necessity, gets a big bump on the Doomhead count. And should inspire lots of great toys for Christmas – if this wasn't an X-character.
You'd buy a statue of that, wouldn't you?
Inhumans: Attilan Rising #2 is all about the Battleworld, how to move from one place to another, and the rules and institutions that Doom puts in place to enforce it.
With one man perfect to find those weaknesses. Could this be the Karnak that survives the Secret War?
Also in a cartgraphical fashion, Weirdworld #1, kicking off this week seems to have little to do with the Battleworld – so far. But we do get Doom epithets, a Baron and wa map to the place…
Could this come into play across the Battleworld? And is Bendis going to kill off Hawk-Squatch as well?
Because in Ultimate End #2… yeah.
Barton barbeque at the hands of Doom's Thors…
Secret Wars Journal #2 sees little Doomness aside from this mention of Collektra travelling from world to world at the behest of Mr Sinister. Who does seem to have a penchant for getting in trouble with Doom, doesn't he?
Bags them? She bags and boards them!
1602: Witch Hunter Angela #1 continues Doom's reticence towards mutants – or witchbreeds as they are here. And in 1602, the edict seems to be stricter than elsewhere. And as for King James? Well, yes, that was a good one…
But it's Captain America And The Mighty Avengers #9 which, set before the Battleworld, deals with the end of the world on a very human scale as the time to death ticks away. And a final innovation right out of Multiversity, but played with considerable aplomb. And another way to save the Marvel Earth that failed….
Comics courtesy of Orbital Comics, London. Where Martin Simmons will, next Wednesday, be signing copies of Death Sentence.