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How Tom Brevoort Learned To Stop Worrying And Love Magik

Tom Brevoort says ""In the past, I haven’t liked Magik pretty much at all." So what changed his mind? Bleeding Cool asked the question...

In a column written by Marvel EVP Tom Brevoort in 2003, and reprinted in 2014, he wrote about why he shouldn't edit the X-Men books. Or at least why you shouldn't want him to do so. "The things you like about the book and the characters aren't the things that work for me. (I'll tell you this much: were she not already dead, I'd delight in dropping a concrete block on Illyana Rasputin's head, so annoying did I find her Magik persona.)" Then, in 2014, adding sarcastically "Illyana is alive again these days. Joy." Last year, Tom Brevoort was appointed to the role of X-Men Group Editor. So what's up with that? Specifically the sister of Colossus, Illyana Rasputin, known as Magik, a mutant teleporter and Soul Sword-wielding demonic princess from Limbo.

Bleeding Cool gossip had it last year that Magik would be a prominent character in From The Ashes, and now that seems to be the case. So, since no one else had asked about this, I posed a question to Tom Brevoort on his Substack, saying, "Tom, quite some time ago, you expressed your disdain for the character of Illyana Rasputin, Magik, and your lack of desire to do anything with the character. Now she is front and centre, can you tell us of your reconciliation towards the character?"

And he replied "In the past, I haven't liked Magik pretty much at all. But that doesn't mean that the character doesn't have fans, lots of them. And being in the position that I'm in now means that I can prevent her from being written in the manner that used to irritate me. So there's no problem with using her."

How Tom Brevoort Quit Worrying And Learned To Love Magik

How did the writing of Illyana Rasputin irritate Tom Brevoort so much that he delighted in the thought of dropping a block on his head? Maybe we can ask him next week?

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Rich JohnstonAbout Rich Johnston

Founder of Bleeding Cool. The longest-serving digital news reporter in the world, since 1992. Author of The Flying Friar, Holed Up, The Avengefuls, Doctor Who: Room With A Deja Vu, The Many Murders Of Miss Cranbourne, Chase Variant. Lives in South-West London, works from The Union Club on Greek Street, shops at Gosh, Piranha and FP. Father of two daughters. Political cartoonist.
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