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Making a Certain Sword and Villain Part of Conan Continuity (Spoilers)

Conan The Barbarian #11 comic book is published by Titan Comics today. And they are making aspects of the movie part of the canon.

Article Summary

  • "Conan The Barbarian" #11 by Titan Comics brings the Atlantean Sword to the comics
  • Classic elements from the original Schwarzenegger film are now Conan canon
  • Thulsa Doom, the cinematic villain, makes his comic appearance from his tomb
  • Creative team Jim Zub and Roberto De La Torre deliver this landmark issue

Conan The Barbarian #11 comic book is published by Heroic Signatures/Titan Comics today. The Superman of sword and sorcery, just like Superman, there are aspects of the character and his world came after his origin and in different media to the original, but have become intrinsically linked to how he's now recognized. Superman didn't fly in the original stories, there was no Kryptonite until the radio series, and he didn't work for the Daily Planet, but almost everyone would agree that these elements are now important parts of the canon.

Making a Certain Sword and Villain Part of Conan Continuity (Spoilers)
Conan The Barbarian #11 cover by Alex Horley

With that in mind, today's Conan the Barbarian #11 brings the Atlantean Sword from the original Arnold Schwarzenegger Conan movie into Conan's ongoing continuity for the first time. The sword's  distinctive look by production designer Ron Cobb is already linked to the character in pop culture and now it's part of the comics as well.


Also., the master villain they have been teasing since issue #3 finally rises from his Atlantean tomb – as readers may have guessed, it's Thulsa Doom. Originally a Kull villain in the source material, in the movie he was portrayed by the legendary James Earl Jones. Now the two are formally linked in a tale with name brand recognition…Conan

Conan The Barbarian #11 by Jim Zub and Roberto De La Torre is published today.

(W) Jim Zub (A) Roberto De La Torre (CA) Alex Horley
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Rich JohnstonAbout Rich Johnston

Founder of Bleeding Cool. The longest-serving digital news reporter in the world, since 1992. Author of The Flying Friar, Holed Up, The Avengefuls, Doctor Who: Room With A Deja Vu, The Many Murders Of Miss Cranbourne, Chase Variant. Lives in South-West London, works from The Union Club on Greek Street, shops at Gosh, Piranha and FP. Father of two daughters. Political cartoonist.
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