Posted in: Comics, Marvel Comics | Tagged: carlos pacheco, dark guard, death's head ii, marvel, marvel uk, motormouth
Marvel Unlimited Adds Carlos Pacheco's First Marvel Title, Dark Guard
In 1993, the Spanish artist Carlos Pacheco was recruited by Marvel UK to draw the four-issue limited series written by Dan Abnett, Dark Guard, a team book made up of characters from the emerging Marvel UK universe.
They were made up of Death's Head II from the Death's Head II series, Albion from Knights Of Pendragon, Motormouth and Killpower from their series, Dark Angel from her solo series, and Colonel Tigon Liger and Stacy Arnheim of the Warheads, and new character Ultra Marine, assembled by the Time Guardian to fight against the Mys-Tech organisation throughout time and space.
Last week, Pacheco revealed he was diagnosed with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis or ALS is also known as Lou Gehrig's Disease, named after the baseball player who died of the illness, which leads to a progressive loss of motor neurons, eventually paralysis and comes with a greatly reduced lifespan.
This week, Marvel Unlimited has decided to make Carlos' first work for them from almost thirty years ago available to all subscribers with Dark Guard #1-#4. And almost all of his subsequent work from Marvel over the decades is already available.
Dark Guard (1993) #1
Published: October 01, 1993
Writer: Dan Abnett
Penciller: Carlos Pacheco
Cover Artist: Carlos Pacheco
Dark Guard is formed by The Time Guardian to defeat Mys-Tech before they subjugate all mankind.Dark Guard (1993) #2
Published: November 01, 1993
Writer: Dan Abnett
Penciller: Carlos Pacheco
Cover Artist:Carlos Pacheco
War is imminent on the planet Eopia due to the machinations of Mys-Tech unless the newly formed Dark Guard can stop it. But first, Death's Head and Motormorth must rescue Liger and Killpower from the Technarchy and Collapsar.Dark Guard (1993) #3
Published: December 01, 1993
Writer:Dan Abnett
Penciller: Carlos Pacheco
Cover Artist: Carlos Pacheco
All the top UK heroes in one book! Dark Angel and the UK heroes fight it out with the Leader's bodyguards while Death's Head II and Motormouth try to rescue Killpower and Liger.Dark Guard (1993) #4
Published: January 01, 1994
Writer: Dan Abnett
Penciller: Carlos Pacheco
Cover Artist: Carlos Pacheco
Death's Head II fights the villainous Collapsar to the death, while Dark Angel discovers that Mys-Tech is responsible for the destruction on Eopia.