Posted in: Comics | Tagged: amaxon, amazon, batman scott snyder, Comics, darwyn cooke, dc, deluxe, entertainment, grant morrison, graphic ink, ivan reis, jeff lemire, omnibus
More DC Omnibus, Deluxe And Long Awaited Collections For 2015 –
First off, right off the bat, it is just ludicrous not to collect a Mike Mignola-written Batman series. Mignola is one of the most popular comic book creators in the industry today, and while it is fair to note that he did not DRAW this series (if he did, there's no doubt that it WOULD have been reprinted by now), he still wrote it and that should still be a major sales pitch.
Well, DC, listened. Batman: The Doom That Came To Gotham by Mike Mignola and Troy Nixey – out in time for Christmas folks.
Yes, a bunch of DC Comics listings appear to have hit Amazon. As well as the previously mentioned the Jill Thompson Wonder Woman book and schedules for Grant Morrison and Yanick Paquette's Wonder Woman Earth One we can also look forward to:
Absolute Green Lantern/Green Arrow collecting the work of Dennis O'Neil and Neal Adams with additional script and character development pages as well as character sketches, and they also have their work in Showcase Presents: Batman Vol. 6
Flinch Book One, collecting the Vertigo horror anthology series with work from Brian Azzarello, Frank Quitely, Garth Ennis, Ty Templeton, Eduardo Russo, Bill Willingham, Doug Mahnke, Greg Rucka and possibly Jim Lee's greatest story to date.
The existing Green Lantern by Geoff Johns volume is joined by The Flash By Geoff Johns Book One collecting The Flash #164-176, The Flash Iron Heights #1, The Flash Secret Files #3, The Flash: Our Worlds At War #1.
Mike Mignola also pops up in The Phantom Stranger collection for December, reprinting The Phantom Stranger #1-4, Action Comics Weekly #610, 613-614, 617, 623, 631-634, 636, 641, Secret Origins #10 and DC Comics Presents #72.
The DC Unwrapped line featuring comics in a deluxe format showing just the pencils, adds Blackest Night Unwrapped and Batman R.I.P. Unwrapped to its list, with Jim Lee's black & white work in Batman Noir: Hush.
Following up on Marshall Law, Pat Mills and Kevin O'Neill get their Metalzoic series reprinted.
Chuck Dixon and Tom Lyle's Robin series gets collected in big 200+ page volumes starting with Robin Vol 1: Reborn.
Scott Snyder and Greg Capullo get their Courts Of Owls collected big and bold as Absolute Court of Owls and Scott also gets his name on Swamp Thing By Scott Snyder Deluxe Edition.
For more Deluxe editions, well we have Neil Gaiman and JH Williams' Sandman: Overture Deluxe Edition, Grant Morrison and friends' The Multiversity Deluxe Edition. Brad Melter and Phil Hester's Green Arrow: Archer's Quest Deluxe Edition, Paul Pope's Batman: Year 100 Deluxe Edition and Grant Morrison and Duncan Fegredo's Kid Eternity Deluxe Edition and Jeff Lemire's Sweet Tooth Deluxe Edition Book One.
All very shelf-worthy.
Behind the scenes gallery stuff for specific creators in DC's Graphic Ink line, namely Graphic Ink: Ivan Reis and Graphic Ink: Darwyn Cooke.
And Frank Miller's Dark Knight Returns gets collected with Dark Knight Strikes Again and a bunch of backmatter as Batman: The Dark Knight Returns Deluxe Edition
And we even get Boy Commandos by Joe Simon and Jack Kirby Vol. 1