Posted in: Comics | Tagged: Comics, entertainment, marvel, printing, spider-gwen, thor
Prints Charming – Female Thor And Spider-Gwen Go To 4th Printings
The women of Marvel appear to be selling out.
Thor #1, promoted on The View, featuring the first appearance of a new female Thor, is now to go to a fourth printing from Marvel Comics.
While Edge Of Spider-Verse #2, featuring he first appearance of the Spider-Gwen character, soon to get her own series, is also going to a fourth printing.
Meanwhile, Spider-Woman #2 , featuring Spider-Woman, Silk and Spider-Gwen is going to a second printing.
But the men are trying to get back in the game, Superior Iron Man #2 has gone to a second printing, as well as Thanos Vs Hulk #1.
And outside of Marvel, Godkiller Walk Among Us #2 from Black Mask has gone to a third printing.
And Birthright #3 from Image Comics has gone to a second…