BAck in the bosum of Aaron and Tri-Force Mike from A Comic Shop in Orlando, Florida as they go through tomorrow's comics in their very hands! Lucky lucky rerailers.
I didn't realise Aaron was coming to C2E2, hey Aaron, fancy being a presenter in the Bleeding Cool C2E2 Awards? We have a spare spot if you fancy. Just in case you don't win, you get a bit of glory…
This week it's all about Fear Itself: Book Of The Skull, backed up by shop favourite Uncanny X-Force getting a Point One, Brightest Day, Hulk, Amazing Spider-Man, Iron Man 2.0, Ruse, and next week's FF #1… grrr…
Weekly TOP PICKS: 3.16.2011
ED BRUBAKER! Odin isn't the all-father, the real all-father feeds on fear instead of faith. Red Skull's greatest mistake was failing to summon him in WWII, but now his daughter is going to get it right! Lookout Cap and Thor, your world is about to be rocked! UNCANNY X-FORCE #5.1 POINT ONE
RICK REMENDER! Check out Deadpool's wittle Wade on this cover! Lady Deathstrike and the Reavers vs. Uncanny X-Force!
IRON MAN 2.0 #2
NICK SPENCER of Morning Glories and Infinite Vacation adds a little military espionage to his futurist mystery mix! Also, he adds a black guy.
GEOFF JOHNS! Wake up sheeple, Hawks = Air, Aquaman = Water, Firestorm = Fire and GODDAMN SWAMP THING = Earth! He is the ultimate protector, prepare for the ultimate showdown (what you thought the White Lantern was going to be Chuck Norris?)
DAN SLOTT! SPIDER-MAN gets new armor suit, can't wait till that is DLC in MvC3!
JEFF PARKER gives the Red Whale his own Ahab! Seriously, if you didn't like Loeb's Hulk, check out Parker's with this issue!
Not Super Hero:
NICK SPENCER! Are you going to get this issue or wait for the volume 2 collection? If you love great comics, those are your only options!
RUSE #1 (OF 4)
MARK WAID! Victorian-era detective fiction! He's the world's greatest detective. She's even better.
The guy who writes Cinderella asked Mike Allred if he'd like to drawn a reanimated girl instead of Madman. Allred asked if he could also draw a were-terrier.
Dollar Menu:
Steven King's epic with fewer words and a lot more pictures! If you loved his novels, get it! If you're like me and don't read "real books", it's okay you can read the comics without doing the books first.
Founder of Bleeding Cool. The longest-serving digital news reporter in the world, since 1992. Author of The Flying Friar, Holed Up, The Avengefuls, Doctor Who: Room With A Deja Vu, The Many Murders Of Miss Cranbourne, Chase Variant. Lives in South-West London, works from Blacks on Dean Street, shops at Piranha Comics. Father of two. Political cartoonist.
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Check out Sabretooth: Dead Don't Talk #3, where Victor Creed faces off against a fiery new foe from K'un-Lun in the gritty underworld of 1900s New York City.
Captain America and Volstagg #1 arrives in stores this Wednesday, bringing together Marvel's First Avenger and Asgard's most voracious warrior in an unlikely team-up across the Nine Realms.
Black Canary: Best of the Best #4 hits stores on Wednesday. After surviving the coal mine, Dinah Lance is ready to fight back, but can she overcome Wildcat's defeat?
In Fantastic Four #29, Doctor Doom has taken over the world, and while Reed tries to solve this problem, Ben and Sue head to NYC with She-Hulk. What could go wrong?