Posted in: Comics, Recent Updates | Tagged: batman beyond, catwoman, comcis, dc, dc comics, dc you, dcyou, entertainment, huneminirelaunch, teen titans, Wonder Girl
A Teen Titans Without Wonder Girl? And More From DC In June…
You can read this week's free June Previews for yourself free on ComiXology – register here and then click here. And see more of our DC June Previews coverage here.
Convergence: Swamp Thing gives us a Catwoman story exploring the politics of her relationship with her girlfriend. Can anyone see ths ending well?
Convergence: Green Lantern Corps has a Gotham Academy story told in rhyming couplets – and how suggesting are those couplets?
Convergence: Superboy And The Legion Of Superheroes gives us a New Teen Titans without a certain someone…
Convergence: Batman And The Outsiders has a Batman Beyond story without the old Batman Beyond – but with his brither.
While Convergence:New Teen Titans gives us a Robin: Son Of Batman with his new friend…
And while Mad Men didn't give you DB Cooper, Grayson does. Kinda. A bit. In the back of Convergence: Hawkman.