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After HTMLComics… Spider Media RU? (UPDATE)
Okay then, let's give the collective comics industry a challenge. HTML Comics was run by a 47 year old bloke in the USA. What happens when you take on the Russians?
I first came across Spider Media RU when my Chase Variant comic was published by Image Comics. Less than an hour after US shops had opened, Spider-Media RU was listing direct download files of the comic, scanned in by the DCP Collective, and hosted on Rapidshare, MediaFile, Sendspace and more. Along with every other comic that week. How did I find out about it? Because they post every new upload to Twitter. And I happened to do a vanity search for Chase Variant…
Let's take a look right now.
There we go, Batman And Robin #12, been up since yesterday, along with all the hot books of the week, with links to direct download file hosts. Multiple links in case one gets taken down.
Expect other titles to dribble through during the rest of the week. Hell, they've even got the new Dan Clowed graphic novel Wilson in its entirety.
Spider Media makes no pretence to be a legal site. It is, however, registered in Russia. Which makes stopping it doing what it's doing a lot harder.
Of course, you could just take down the hosting sites. But all someone has to do is just upload it again somewhere else. You'll be fighting a Red Queen's Race.
And it's not like Spider MEdia RU is the only site doing this. It just seems to be the only one tweeting about it.
Okay, FBI, Katten and comic book industry. Your move.
UPDATE! Looks like a few hours after this was posted, Spider Media RU instigated a password system…