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Avatar Plug Of The Week – Alan Moore And Jacen Burrows' Neonomicon
He is the greatest comic book writer that has ever lived. Watchmen, Swamp Thing, 1963, V For Vendetta, League Of Extraordinary Gentlemen, Big Numbers, Lost Girls, Supreme, Mirror Of Love, Marvelman, The BoJeffries Saga, Halo Jones, Skizz, DR And Quinch, Tom Strong, Promethea, Tomorrow Stories, Top Ten, Light Of Thy Countenance, Whatever Happened To The Man Of Tomorrow, The Killing Joke…
And now Neonomicon.
Jacen Burrows is no slouch either. From Warren Ellis' Scars to Garth Ennis' Wormwood and Crossed, Burrows has made a name for himself as a slick artist with the storytelling abilities of the likes of Steve Dillon. He also drew The Courtyard, adapted by Antony Johnston from the original HP Lovecraft-based short story to which Neonomicon is a sequel of sorts. Directly written as a comic by Moore for Burrows, alongside League Of Extraordinary Gentlemen this is the only comic book being written by Alan Moore.
And it's nasty. The preview you're getting here is a way to ease you in, horrors expressed as asides by the two agents, hinting at far greater horrors to come. I met Jacen earlier this year and he told me some of the very graphic and grotesque aspects of this series. It looks like it may well be to horror what Lost Girls was to porn. Very clever, very intricate and buckets of horribleness.
Neonomicon: The Hornbook is a preview of the series, being published later this year. It is out tomorrow in the US and on Thursday in the UK for $1.99.