James Serafino sells the rights to his first comic, Time Traveling Dinosaurs, to Chronicle Books, for publication in 2028.
Posted in: Comics, Recent Updates | Tagged: alpha flight, big hero 6, disney, ebay, marvel
Big Hero 6 #1 Now $18 On eBay
Last week, Bleeding Cool brought you the news that Marvel were gearing up for a Big Hero 6 animated film through Disney.
And the market has noticed. Big Hero 6 has seen collectors buy up all the copies offered at cover price or less, and now Sunfire And Big Hero 6 #1 has sold for $18. Keen eye collectors may look in the bargain bins at ther local comic shops or marts.
Alpha Flight Vol 2 #17, their original appearance (but published second) is also being picked up, where it couldn't be sold the day before the announcement.
Another one for the bargain bins…

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