Posted in: Comics, Recent Updates | Tagged: beer, booze geek, zombie killer
Booze Geek: Zombie Killer
Beer: Zombie Killer
Brewery: B. Nektar Meadery
Today, we are switching it up at Booze Geek. Technically speaking, Zombie Killer is not a beer and more a cider or mead. Regardless, it still seems an appropriate drink to review.
Zombie Killer has a pink or red hue to it, which makes sense considering: A. The makers were probably going for a blood color and B. It is cherry flavored. It creates a thin, white head when poured that dissipates after a few seconds.
The drink gives off a light cherry scent. As a cider, Zombie has the traditional cider taste to it. However, the flavors of cherry and honey are also present, the cherry a bit more prominent. The carbonation of the drink is present on the tongue and adds a nice touch when drinking it. This should absolutely be served cold.
Zombie Killer is a refreshing drink, albeit a bit sweet for my liking. It is probably best on a hot summer day and definitely something any drinkers who are not heavy into beer should investigate.
What to Drink This To:
I know that I already did a zombie themed beer, but for that one I recommended some movies. For Zombie Killer, I would suggest the Left 4 Dead videogame series. It seems to be more appropriate, considering the name of the drink and the actions you are doing in said. So pick up your best shotgun and load up on some Zombie Killer while blasting some ghouls brains out.