Posted in: Comics, Recent Updates | Tagged: avengers, beta ray bill, film, marvel, walt simonson
Friday Trending Topics: Closing In On The Avengers Aliens
That face and mouth structure looks awfully familiar. Could they be… Korbinites? And does that help explain Walt Simonson's high-profile return to Marvel on Avengers? At this point, I think there's probably a pretty good case to be made for the Badoon as well, but, well… who wouldn't like to see Thor vs Beta Ray Bill on film, eventually? It's been entertaining speculating about this little mystery, but of course we'll know for sure soon. Until then, jump into the forum and tell us if this theory stands up.
Most-Read TV/Film Stories Today:
New Avengers Promo Finally Delivers A Close-Up Of An Alien Soldier
Here's a new TV spot for The Avengers and, below it, a screen grab revealing one of Loki's alien warriors. And it's very clear. And you can see exactly what it is…
New Avengers TV Spot Is All Sizzling Dialogue
Joss Whedon gives some of his "stuff" to Nick Fury and Tony Stark, and I like it.
Which Daleks Will Be Back For The Next Series Of Doctor Who? All Of Them
The BBC have issued some new images from the set of Doctor Who, not that you'd know it. They're such incredible close-ups that most of them could have been taken in the middle of Oxford Street and you'd have no idea.
Most-Read Comic Stories Today:
AVX: Versus #1 Cover Contains No Homo-Erotic Subtext Whatsoever
We've taken Steven Wacker's criticism to heart.
Hit-Girl #1 Missed Off Retailers' Order Form
Last year, Kick Ass 2 #5 by Mark Millar and John Romita Jr was accidentally left off the order form. It was in Previews, but not on the form that retailers used to order the comic. They did their best to raise awareness of this, but in the end reduced orders saw Marvel choose to match orders from issue 4.
Cosplay Studio – Asiria, Catwoman And Wasp
Cosplay photographer Jay Tablante of the Phillippines is a bit of a Bleeding Cool favourite. Here are a few of his latest cosplay works…