Massive Publishing co-founder and president Kevin Roditeli quits to become a comic book writer, screenwriter and director.
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Doctor Who Comics To Go Digital At C2E2
How stupid was I?
"Who's next?"
As if IDW were moving onto a new digital device, by showing off the PSP and iPad devices.
As opposed to the more literal "Who's next."
With Tony Lee seen at Gallifrey One in LA last month recording short advertising videos with IDW editor Denton Tipton for a variety of formats including iTunes and PSP.
Tony Lee writes the Doctor Who comic for IDW.
The Doctor Who comic is not yet available on digital devices.
But at C2E2, the big digital announcement is that it will be. In fact odds are they'll press the button to launch it at the show itself.
"Who's next." I must be slipping.

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