Posted in: Comics, Recent Updates | Tagged: Comics, education, lynda barry
Lynda Barry In Residence
Sisner Award winning Lynda Barry is to be the University of Wisconsin-Madison's spring artist in residence with the Arts Institute and Department of Art – and she's bringing some friends. Including Ivan Brunetti, Ryan Knighton, Dan Chaon and Chris Ware.
Creator of thirty year long Ernie Pook's Comeek strip, Lynda has adapted comics to the stage, written books, writed for Esquire and Mother Jones, and turns up on Letterman.
Barry will teach What It Is: Manually Shifting the Image concerning the "relationship of the hand to images, creativity, and the brain, and will each produce a short book and teach an off-campus workshop."
As well as the course, there wll be a number of free lectures, listed below;
Feb. 15, 4:30-5:45 p.m.: Art Department Visiting Artist Series: "Seeing, Drawing, Writing, and Cooking through a Cartoonist's Eye" by cartoonist Ivan Brunetti with Barry. Special guest: Chris Ware. L160 Chazen Museum of Art
Feb. 22, 4:30-5:45 p.m.: Art Department Visiting Artist Series: "The Blind Stare" by author Ryan Knighton with Barry. L160 Chazen Museum of Art
March 8, 7 p.m.: "The Friendship that Would Not Die: Lynda Barry on Matt Groening," Madison Museum of Contemporary Art, Lecture Hall
Thursday, May 3, 7 p.m.: "Stay Awake" by writer Dan Chaon with Barry, Madison Museum of Contemporary Art, Lecture Hall