Posted in: Comics, Recent Updates | Tagged: brooklyn nets, Comics, jason aaron, marvel
Sunday Trending Topics: Mikhail Prokhorov's Custom Marvel Comic
As a basketball fan, I've read more than a little about Russian billionare Mikhail Prokhorov since he bought the Nets a couple years back, and he's not a man who is afraid to spend money to get what he wants. As part of a Marvel/ESPN collaboration for ESPN the Magazine a couple years back, they depicted Prokhorov as Galactus. That pretty much tells you what you need to know.
If you've followed the start of the season this year, you know the Nets are undertaking a massive rebranding campaign, what with the move to Brooklyn and design and marketing elements put together with the help of another member of the Nets ownership group, rapper Jay-Z. And of course Prokhorov just helped open a new one billion dollar stadium to play the games in. So put that all together and I think there's little doubt that Marvel was indeed paid well to do this comic.
And maybe Prokhorov is a Jason Aaron fan. I could see that. But of course, who isn't?
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Apparently BrooklyKnight is the "protector of Brooklyn's hometown absketball team the Brooklyn Nets, defender of New York's largest and most courageous borough, and ruler of Barclays Center", the teams new stadium thing. So he's some kind of benign dictator? He's basically Doctor Doom.
I do use my iPad more than any other gadget, but I still buy paper magazines and I think I always will. I look at the magazine collection on my shelf and it gives me a warm feeling that I will be able to hand down my curated collection to my kids.
Like many people I have spoken to, I have been incredibly disappointed with the storylines that have come out of DC Universe's latest reboot, dropping many of my usual comics from my reading list and being forced to pick new ones. One of the comics I have started reading in the New 52 is Batgirl, a comic I was sure I wasn't going to like. When I heard that they would be bringing Barbara Gordon back to the Batgirl role I was incredibly disappointed, I loved her as Oracle and wanted her to remain in the role for many reasons. However, when I learned that DC had appointed Gail Simone to write her I decided to give it a shot and like with everything Gail writes I have not been disappointed.
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George Lucas' current plans to retire, reiterated this week in the wake of Disney taking over Lucasfilm, seem just the same as his last plans to retire. That is, he's not planning to retire at all, he just wants to stop making Star Wars movies.
Cass Warner is the grand-niece of Jack Warner, and she has directed a couple of documentaries, one about her great-uncle and his mogul brothers, the other about Dennis Hopper. Back in 1988, however, she was a screenwriting student, and her teacher was Howard Koch, one of the screenwriters of Casablanca.
Sharknado: The Tornado Made Out Of Sharks | Bleeding Cool Comic Book, Movies and TV News and Rumors
You can tell that The Asylum have reached the proudest moment in their history when the tagline for their new film is simply, "Enough said!"
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This is his current art stack for all three books he's working on concurrently, including one as-yet-unnamed comic.
DC Acts To Remove Rogue Stephanie Brown Appearance In L'il Gotham (UPDATE)d
Wow. Just wow. Yesterday, Bleeding Cool pointed out how the Stephanie Brown Batgirl character appeared, as someone dressing as her in Hallowe'en costume in the L'il Gotham strip.
DC Announces Before Watchmen: Dollar Bill by Len Wein and Steve Rude
We are getting seriously close to Before Watchmen: Multi-Legged Chicken Waitress here…