Posted in: Comics, Recent Updates, Run Around, Video | Tagged: 2011, Comics, fcbd, free comic book day
Thirty-Seven Free Comic Book Day 2011 Videos
Some people didn't make it. Some people's stores didn't participate. And even when they did, the grass is always greener. Here's a runaround the world to see Free Comic Book Day being observed everywhere!
1. Robert Kirkman at Golden Apple with Super Dinosaur… while Super Dinosaur overheats…
2. Cully Hamner sketches
David Mack talking Philip K Dick
3. Mark McKenna and Dawn Best at Indy Planet
4. Time Warp Comics in Bolder, Orlando
5. Dancing Megatron At Atomic City Comics
6. Heroes And Dreams reviews the day
7. A road trip to FCBD
8. Robert Bell sketching away;
9. At Captain Blue Hen Comics
10. At Comic Relief
11. At Escape Velocity at Colorado
12. At Fantasy Comics in Tucson, Arizona
13. Pop Culture Comix in Kansas
14. Superheroes dancing in Acme Comics in Greesboro, North Carolina
15. The end of the world at The Source in Minneapolis
16. The Comic Bug
17. Bellydancing to Marilyn Manson at Action Games & Comics in Florida
18. The Nexus in Iceland is getting in on the action
19. As to the Philippines.
20. Link playing on the Ocarina Of Time
21. Store manager moaning and leering…
22. Showing off your haul…
23. Really showing off your haul…
24. Some people put out marquees
25. A road trip to Gamezilla
26. Excitement at Samurai Comics
27. Pop Tarts and Prairie Dog Comics
28. Metro Comics in Purto Rico
29. Joker and Harley Quinn pop along
30. And so does Power Girl with added jiggling.
31. Nathan reading his free comic book.
32. James Sime showing off Isotope Comics
33. Helen Slater at Krypton Comics
34. Batman deals with a stalker
35. A search for Locke & Key
36. Free Comic Book Day with X-23
37.Drawing Spider-Man