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Thursday Feels Four Hundred Feet Long…
Things are happening in comics. Here are just a few of them.
How big is your comic? Probably not as big as this one.
400 feet long, by Isabel Rucker, the opening party for the Unfurling : This Land show is tonight from 6pm at SOMArts, 934 Brannan Street, in San Francisco, CA 94103.
Joe Casey and Caleb Gerard's Full Moon Fever from AiT/Planet Lar has been reoptioned by Solipsist films, the story of a werewolf on the moon, while Bluewater take the young adult novel Taming The Star Runner by S.E. Hinton and turning it, and another novel Puppy Love, into a comic. Maybe they'll follow with an S.E. Hinton bio?
Shel Dorf, the founder of the San Diego Comic Con, has received obituaries across the press, a tribute to the impact on modern culture the show now makes. Though Mark Evanier probably has the most fitting and links to his tribute site.
As part of the previously mentioned ComICA, Campbell will be signing his new collection Alec: The Years Have Pants at Gosh! Comics in London this Saturday from 2pm-4pm, before his talk with Arnold Brown at the ICA. Anyone who calls me the fanner of flames of emnity is always worth a visit… especially right after David Petersen does a signing for Mouse Guard at Forbidden Planet just down the road from 1-2pm.