Posted in: Comics, Recent Updates | Tagged: Alan Moore, Comics, green lantern, mogo
Thursday Trending Topics: Hello, Mogo
Speaking of Green Lantern marketing, as we were just yesterday, I must say I'm almost disappointed to see that Verizon, Google, or someone of that nature hasn't really gone for it with GL licensing and renamed something like 4G network or social service Mogo. I say almost because of course the creators might disagree. But it's easy to go to George Lucas and tell him you want to name your phone the Droid. It'd take more guts to tell Alan Moore and Dave Gibbons you want connect up the hive mind and call it Mogo.
Most-Read Comic Stories Today:
Robert Kirkman Insisted On Covering Up Eve's Bottom In Invincible #79
And here's a close up of that panel of Eve, Invincible's girlfriend.
Mogo Doesn't Eulogize (Green Lantern SPOILERS)
There's an awful lot of stuff going on in comic books this week, but it's worth taking time to check out this one, I think. In this week's issue of Green Lantern Corps, released on Wednesday, Green Lanterns John Stewart and Kyle Rayner are up against the possessed Green Lantern Mogo, an entire sentient planet, famously created by Alan Moore and Dave Gibbons in the Green Lantern story, Mogo Doesn't Socialize
Amazing Spider-Man 666 Retailer Covers Revealed
Bleeding Cool has already run pieces on the IDW Godzilla and Avatar/Boundless War Goddess mass retailer variant covers, but now Marvel has entered the fray with Amazing Spider-Man #666. If a retailer orders 150% of their usual Amazing Spider-Man numbers, and they can order 500 or more additional covers with their choice of personalised cover. Here are the options…
Most-Read TV/Film Stories Today:
That Big Spoiler Cameo Scene In The Middle Of X-Men: First Class (SPOILERS)
There is a scene in X-Men First Class that is so surprising, funny and quite, quite brilliant, that everyone we spoke to at the preview last night decided we should keep secret.
Gary Shore's Trailer For The Next Wolverine Movie (Looks Like It Might Get Him The Job)
Gary Shore sits pretty on the list of in-contention directors for The Wolverine. While we don't know yet what kind of chance he has in getting the gig, there's already some indication of what kind of work he'd turn in.
Ed Whitfield Has A Hangover Too With The Hangover Part 2
Ed Whitfield has been to see The Hangover Part 2 for us, and will review it. But first, he has a confession to make:
Most-Clicked Pics Today:
(top pic today redacted for spoilage)