Posted in: Comics, Recent Updates | Tagged: avengers 2, film, joss whedon, Marvel Studios
Tuesday Trending Topics: Avengers 2+
I was going to write a thing about how half a million people couldn't bring down BC during SDCC, but Joss Whedon did it in 5 minutes today — but got completely distracted by the fact that there are shockingly few Avengers #1's with arrival dates left in existence (yes folks, this is what geeks do after you've gone to sleep). With Hulk #1 and FF #1, there were plenty of newsstand arrival-dated copies to make a reasonable call about the best specific day to mark the true 50th anniversary (and sadly, I was too busy last month to do the research on Amazing Fantasy #15 arrival dates for Spider-Man's true 50th), but after looking through a couple hundred copies of Avengers #1 just now, the best I can do is what we pretty much already knew: The Avengers hit the world in July 1963 (the title was bi-monthly for the first six issues. And nerdy note to Marvel: the Sept cover date is not the anniversary, it's when unsold copies of the comic were supposed to be removed from the newsstand.).
In any case, bringing this back around to the point of today's trending topics — it's probably too late to do a 50th anniversary tie-in to the Avengers 2 movie or "Avengers Universe" tv, and… let's see… Marvel Studios has 2013 and 2014 pretty well scheduled already (though are they really going to wait until 2015 to get a sure thing on the books? Doubt it.). Probably Marvel will do something in the comics, which will be a few months into Marvel NOW at that point. But regardless — we'll remember Jack and Stan next July, dear BC reader, won't we?
Most-Read TV/Film Stories Today:
Joss Whedon Signed To Write And Direct Avengers 2, Work On The Marvel Universe TV Series
Breaking: Disney's Bob Iger has just announced during the studio's quarterly Investors Conference Call that Joss Whedon is signed on to write and direct the second Avengers movie and, perhaps even more brilliantly, is helping them develop their TV series set in the same fictional universe.
Scenes Revealing Bane's Origins Were Cut From The Dark Knight Rises
When interviewed by GQ, Hemming had not yet seen the film but was certain the scenes must have been kept in, and had this to say about Bane's origin scenes:
Now, however, Deadline say the talks are about no such thing. According to their new story, Fox are actually "lukewarm" on the prospect of making a Daredevil film at all, and they certainly wouldn't give up key villains from the Fantastic Four franchise in return.
Most-Read Comic Stories Today:
Is This A Fake? Or Is It The Real John Byrne?
John Byrne posted, warning people of a seller selling work that, according to John Byrne was not his.
The Washington Post ran a piece on a stump speech by Sarah Palin, in support of Sarah Steelman, running for the Republican nomination for the Senate in Missouri.
At Least We Know Which Side Batman Dresses On
Here's a shot of the variant cover of Batman #12 shipping on Wednesday, by Bryan Hitch.