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Wednesday Runaround – The Law Vs Batmobiles

ProposalWatch: Dave Sanders paid The Olympian newspaper to run a special comic strip instead of Monday's Doonesbury, to propose marriage to his girlfriend, Sandra Kinnunen.

GenderCrunchingWatch: Gender creator stats in Marvel and DC comics for the week of April 20th.

BeastsWatch: Beasts Of Burden from Evan Dorkin and Jill Thompson return in Dark Horse Presents issues 4, 6 and 8.

DamnItWatch: Comic book artist Justiniano charged with possession of child pornographic photographs.

PlugWatch: Journey Into Mystery appears a number of times on an advertising billboard in the Thor movie. Will it have any subtle effects on sales of the comic, out today?

Wednesday Runaround – The Law Vs BatmobilesThis is Computo the Comic Link Conqueror speaking. I come for your women. But for now I merely collate comic-related bits and pieces online. One day I will rule. Until that day, read on.

10 year time capsule: "Spider-Man" and the erasing of the World Trade Centers – 10 year time capsule –

Four months later, Sony was scrambling to yank the trailer out of every theater, along with the original Spider-Man teaser poster that featured the towers reflected in Spidey's eyes.

Robert Kirkman | TV | Interview | The A.V. Club

Quite a bit, actually. I'd like to be able to tell everyone "yes," but there are only so many zombies you can get into a show. And everyone on the show has friends that are doing that. We'll probably never run out of zombies.

DC Comics Sues Man Who Builds Custom 'Batmobiles' – Hollywood Reporter

Warner Bros. is on the prowl for bad guys driving around in gadget-laden vehicles. DC Comics, a subsidiary of the studio, has filed a copyright and trademark lawsuit against a man who builds custom-made "Batmobiles."

yfrog Photo : Shared by TomBrevoort

What do beautiful Neal Adams New Avengers #16.1 pencils look like? Glad you asked…

Wednesday Runaround – The Law Vs Batmobiles

New H.Y.D.R.A. Image Debuts | Superhero Hype

With Thor finally in theaters, fans have now have the next big release from Marvel Studios to look forward to with Captain America: The First Avenger hitting on July 22nd. Now, French website Les Toiles Heroiques has posted a scan from the just-released European magazine L'Ecran Fantastique, featuring a better look at a soldier for H.Y.D.R.A.

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Rich JohnstonAbout Rich Johnston

Founder of Bleeding Cool. The longest-serving digital news reporter in the world, since 1992. Author of The Flying Friar, Holed Up, The Avengefuls, Doctor Who: Room With A Deja Vu, The Many Murders Of Miss Cranbourne, Chase Variant. Lives in South-West London, works from Blacks on Dean Street, shops at Piranha Comics. Father of two. Political cartoonist.
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