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Wizard World Toronto Comic Con Fails To Burn To The Ground
The idea of a comic convention at least partially full of dealers with comic books being engulfed in a ball of flame, licking at the exclusive Captain Swing variant covers is a nightmare no one wants to confront. And at Toronto Wizard World Comic Con, no one did.
But there was a fire alarm and everyone had to be evacuated. No human, no alien, no robot no out-of-work-wrestler and no comic was harmed with in the non-existent flames or in the rush to the exits.
America's Top Model winner Adrianne Curry was using the event to push her own geek creds.
I think if you play 'World of Warcraft' more than two hours a day, you're probably a nerd," she said, rhyming off a long list of levels she achieved in the game and then stopping herself: "God, I'm embarrassed!"
If that wasn't enough, she was cosplaying in Clockwork Orange gear. I wonder, did she read the book or see the film because, damn, that's the kind of thing that makes Comics Alliance's servers explode.
Lots of people picking up copies of Kill Shakespeare from IDW, released early for Comic Con with local boys creators on tap to push it. I'm hoping everyone turned off their light sabres for Earth Hour. And Max Brooks was interviewed at the Avatar booth by… Naked News.
And Toronto Comic Con Wars have kicked off again today as Fan Expo Canada chose today to announce that Stan Lee would be coming to their August show…
Here's a brief photo runaround.
And Disney's Split Second got a good showing with great writeups from anyone who went close.
Thanks to WeAreHighRoad and RealKrisabel's tweets…