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Separated At Birth: Inspector Pilgrim And River Song

When Inspector Pilgrim popped up in Flash there were comparisons to be made to John Constantine and Doctor Who. But what about River Song?

Article Summary

  • Inspector Pilgrim's identity in Flash #9 mirrors the time-twisting reveal of River Song from Doctor Who.
  • Si Spurrier, writer of Flash #9, has connections to Doctor Who through his work on related comic series.
  • Themes of characters ensuring their own safety across time are highlighted in both Flash and Doctor Who.
  • The concept of creative inspiration is discussed, suggesting Flash #9 draws from various influences.

When Inspector Pilgrim popped up in Flash as a down-to-earth celestial guide for Wally West's children, there were some comparisons to be made. John Constantine to Swamp Thing or Tim Hunter was one, as was Doctor Who, especially with a time traveller with such a name. But did anyone have their money on River Song? Today's Flash #9 by Si Spurrier and Ramon Perez reveals the identity of Inspector Pilgrim and it is one, to be fair, that many folks had worked out, at least in part. But it is revealed in a familiar way.

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Inspector Pilgrim knows that Wade West will be safe with him, because he was safe with him. Wade grows up to be the Inspector, so everything is fine. Which flashes back to those who saw Doctor Who: When A Good Man Goes To War.

In which River Song assures Rory and Amy Pond that their daughter, Melody Pond is fine and the Doctor will save her. Because Melody Pond was fine and the Doctor saved her. And she grew up to be River Song, and she is fine.

Do you think Si Spurrier watched A Good Man Goes To War? Well, given that he wrote the Doctor Who: The Eleventh Doctor comic book series for Titan Comics…

Separated At Birth: Inspector Pilgrim And River Song

I'd say there's a pretty good chance, don't you? Obviously, it's far from the only time this particular twist has been used, but the one about assuring a family member that the person in danger is safe, by having theor future self say it, seems a little familiar. The Flash #9 by Si Spurrier and Ramon Perez is published by DC Comics today.

(W) Simon Spurrier (A/CA) Ramon Perez
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Separated At Birth used to be called Swipe File, in which we present two or more images that resemble each other to some degree. They may be homages, parodies, ironic appropriations, coincidences, or works of the lightbox. We trust you, the reader, to make that judgment yourself. If you are unable to do so, we ask that you please return your eyes to their maker before any further damage is done. Separated At Borth doesn't judge; it is interested more in the process of creation, how work influences other work, how new work comes from old, and sometimes how the same ideas emerge simultaneously as if their time has just come. The Swipe File was named after the advertising industry habit, where writers and artists collect images and lines they admire to inspire them in their work. It was swiped from the Comic Journal, which originally ran a similar column, and the now-defunct Swipe Of The Week website, but Separated At Birth is considered a less antagonistic title.

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Rich JohnstonAbout Rich Johnston

Founder of Bleeding Cool. The longest-serving digital news reporter in the world, since 1992. Author of The Flying Friar, Holed Up, The Avengefuls, Doctor Who: Room With A Deja Vu, The Many Murders Of Miss Cranbourne, Chase Variant. Lives in South-West London, works from The Union Club on Greek Street, shops at Gosh, Piranha and FP. Father of two daughters. Political cartoonist.
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