Posted in: Comics | Tagged: canad, close, comcis, entertainment, ottowa, silver snail, toronto
Silver Snail To Close In Ottawa
Forty year old Canadian comic store The Silver Snail, is to close its Ottawa branch . As famous as comic books come, it is legendary for the comics it sells, the clientele it attracts and the celebrities who turn up to browse of the finest comic stores in existence.
And it is closing.
The manager Kin, who has managed the store for twenty-five years, posted on the site today,
I hope you're all sitting down for this. It is with great sadness that I must announce that Sunday, September 13 will be the last day that Silver Snail Ottawa will be open for business. It has been my and the staff's great pleasure to serve your comic book needs for 25 years. We will have a closing out sale starting today with most stock discounted 50%. All sales final. There will be some exceptions however. New comics and some graphic novels will still be sold at US cover prices or as marked.
We will be receiving new books until the closing date and would appreciate subscribers picking up their comics promptly. Books that are not picked up within one week will be put out on the racks unless you notify us that you cannot make it in and need more time.
The VICINITY points program will be discontinued immediately. We will honour accumulated points for dollars off up to August 3 on full priced stock only. Discount rewards will not be honoured.
This is not a hoax. In lieu of flowers, please just be your amazing supportive selves.
Take it slow,