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Steamdolls : She Will Blow Your Brains Out …
by Yoann Peter
… If you let her shoot you. Yeah, right ! What kind of fool would willingly take a bullet in the head ? I certainly would. As long as I remember I have always tried to do something artistic not because it was cool to be an artist but because it was essential for me. Telling a story has become an obsession for me. No matter the cost. So I tried and tried and tried. Refining the elements of my Steampunk universe. Agnes as always been by my side. I am not talking about my wife… I could, she has been there for me and she is lovely too. I am talking about a character of our Graphic Novel. Agnes is the titulary redhead gunslinger girl strapped in leather in « Steamdolls ». You have seen a lot of her kind, I know that. What makes her unique will not be clear when reading the prologue. What makes her unique will be revealed along the course of the entire story told in multiple issues. But I can certainly try to convince you to support our project « Steamdolls » and give you clues as how beautiful her mind is.
Agnes could be compared to Etienne who is doing « art » on this project and me of course as I handle the « story ». She desperately wants to exist. Period. Like us she is struggling to do something with her life and be accepted. In the prologue, she is hunting down a character named The Whisper as hard as we are building the very fabric of her world. A world that has been in the works for quite some time. From mind to film, from film to oblivion it was a chaotic ride. It was named differently then but that's not important. The point is the resilience of an idea. From oblivion to a digital comic book made with actual toys, this is the same resilience Agnes is putting into her quest to simply live. After the toys movie, the project was put to sleep but Agnes never stopped trying. She was still strong and determined.
Two years ago, I discovered Virtual Reality and was blown away by it, so much that I decided it was time for the return of the gunslinger girl. The game exists, at least a demo on Steam – you will have to be the owner of an headset to try it. For this game I needed an artwork for the cover and began searching for an illustrator. I ended up crashing in the head of Etienne Vrithof. A talented belgian gentleman. We worked on the artwork for weeks and I was super impressed. The next logical step was a Graphic Novel. Etienne embraced the opportunity. I still see in that the will to create, the will to exist, the will that I talk so much about. « Steamdolls » was born and he brought a lot of fresh ideas to it. This was the spark an old project like mine needed to shine again. Not only Agnes was free again but the old characters were given a new life. As an example, The Whisper is a worthy evolution of an existing one. Every pages is for me a painting worth exposing. It can be messy sometimes but isn't it what minds are in a desperate attempt to be ?
Now you can get on your knees and place your head against her gun. She is going to take you on a Steampunk ride you will never forget.
Here is a synopsis with a video teaser with English subtitles :
In the mist of time, society is eaten by industry, and its citizens oppressed by an authoritarian and omniscient cult. The Whisper, a violent-tempered anarchist, dreams about a revolution that will destroy the order of things. He devotes himself to expose the dark side of those in power and bring awareness to the people. His obsessive quest for the ultimate truth will throw him into a world of betrayal and sorcery where the only certainty is the imminent end of the world.
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The first issue of the book is available on iBooks and Comixology
We are working on a printed version that will soon be available on amazon/createspace with an added artbook section.
The VR demo can be found on Steam