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Stuart Immonen Retires from Comics After Amazing Spider-Man #800

Today's Amazing Spider-Man #800 is an absolute tour de force for superhero comics, an 80-page battle that brings in decades of history and some of the best superhero comic book artists around — including Stuart Immonen for the final battle.

Stuart Immonen Retires from Comics After Amazing Spider-Man #800

It's a great comic. Enjoy it. For it may be the last with Immonen. His inker on the chapter, Wade Von Grawbadger, publicly posted the news to Facebook:

Spider-man 800, the final installment of the Go Down Swinging! story line, is out today and it's a day of seriously mixed emotions. Very proud of the book and I had a blast on every page but it also marks the end of an era. Stuart retired after finishing this issue. It's possible he may return for a small thing here or there but he was more than ready to move on to other challenges and opportunities. So could the title of this story arc be more appropriate?

It's been a long, wild ride(over 20 years!) Mr Immonen and I am a better artist and man for having worked with you. ASM 800 out today – go git sum!
Line art by Immonen and von Grawbadger

Immonen has drawn a wide variety of comic books for the big guys, including multi-year runs on Adventures of Superman, All-New X-Men, Legion of Superheroes, Ultimate Spider-Man, NextWave, Action Comics, and Amazing Spider-Man as well as notable runs on Star Wars, Valor, Avengers, Thor, New Avengers, and Fear Itself, as well as the Millarworld series Empress with Mark Millar that was sold to Netflix for a vast sum. He is also notable for creating original works with his wife Kathryn Immonen such as Moving Pictures and Russian Olive to Red King. Maybe he might have more time for those projects instead?

And Wade takes the opportunity to plug another title out today…

And for the next step in the Wade-volution…The Unexpected #1 with this crazy foldout cover! Out today with line art by Ryan Sook and Mick Gray as well as Cary Nord and myself! Colors by FCO Plascencia! Go git sum!

With a final page of original artwork to send us on our way, such as this piece on sale at Fanfare for $1000.

Stuart Immonen Retires from Comics After Amazing Spider-Man #800

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Rich JohnstonAbout Rich Johnston

Founder of Bleeding Cool. The longest-serving digital news reporter in the world, since 1992. Author of The Flying Friar, Holed Up, The Avengefuls, Doctor Who: Room With A Deja Vu, The Many Murders Of Miss Cranbourne, Chase Variant. Lives in South-West London, works from Blacks on Dean Street, shops at Piranha Comics. Father of two. Political cartoonist.
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