Posted in: Comics | Tagged: comic harassment, terrific, terrific production, terrific production llc
Terrific Production LLC's Andrew Rev Makes A Very Dodgy Offer Indeed
Bleeding Cool remains fascinated with Andrew Rev, owner of Comico, Elementals and Youngblood, as he continually out-Bill Jemases Bill Jemas on social media for his new comic book publisher Terrific Production LLC. This weekend, he took a step beyond the usual ridiculousness that we have seen. Bleeding Cool is one of a number of comic news site that has been talking about and highlighting the accounts of a number of women regarding sexual harassment and grooming by prominent comic book employees. Which led Andrew Rev to make the following offer (Terrific Production tweets written personally by Rev now have a prefix of Prez Msg to begin them).
Prez Msg: If you are a woman/men who has been turned off to the #comics industry because a prominent #comicartist has promised you an opportunity for #sexualharassment ( This Is Plain Wrong!) then I will have your #comic #writing reviewed to be published!
Prez Msg: send your #sexualharassment story by email to: submissions@terrificproduction.com1) subject of the email should say Personal Story
2) Describe in 20 pages or less your story and it's impact on your #career, #health
3)The position/Title, #Publisher or #comicartist RT RT
Prez: We only ask that you the #comicartist provide us a release so that we can produce a #graphicnovel that can tell the #victims side of the story as #comics to alert other #comicartists as to the warning signs of a sexual harassment! #comics #rapevictims. Don't give up! RT
So, Terrific Production LLC is taking submissions from comic book writers who have been sexually harassed, as long as they also provide an account of that harassment and let Terrific turn that into a comic book. You can see how that might have gone down. Facing a stream of commentary, Rev clarified his intent but was pretty unrepentant.
Prez Msg: I hope it was obvious to everyone that I was trying to give moral support to the victims of editors or writers! Terrific Prod. has never received any accusation about our staff or writers. I was responding to a many stories this year including
Prez Msg: if you have been a victim we do not insist you to come forward – this is purely your choice and I respect that. I just wanted you to know that I came to improve this #comics industry and to let #comicartists you know we hire on only talent & #sexualharassment is wrong!
Prez Msg: Our traffiic views of our profile are way past 6,000 views in a few hrs -I believe this is due to Terrific Prod. unequivocal stand on refusing to tolerate subjecting #comicartists to #sexualharassment to get a job in this #comics industry!
dozens of people followed me and 4 people unfollowed me
Prez Msg: We broke yet another record at 1636. We are about to announce the mega star artist for #blacksalt who sold a million copies of their #comics – be here for that! RT and Repeat. We also have many variant covers incredibly beautiful-How beautiful Just A Short Wait -Retweet
If I had to lay odds, that's Larry Stroman. I've not heard of anyone who took up Terrific Production LLC's offer above, but a lot of people who have had their opinion about him, clarified.