Scholastic brings kids graphic novel imprint Graphix to the UK with Dav Pilkey's Dog Man, Raina Telgemeier, Sarah Bowie, Jim Smith and more
Posted in: Comics | Tagged: brian augustyn, frank miller, newlitg
The Daily LITG, 2nd November 2019, Happy Birthday Brian Augustyn
Welcome to the pretty-much-mostly-daily Lying In The Gutters. A run around the day before and the day ahead. You can sign up to receive it as an e-mail here.
The 20 most-read stories yesterday
- Keanu Reeves Appears as John Constantine in Today's Hellblazer
- Why Adam Kubert Refused to Sign the Industry-Only Stan Lee Tribute Comic
- Does the Possible New Wolverine Logo Confirm a Long-Running X-Men Fan Theory?
- The Todd McFarlane-Signed, Slabbed and Certified Spawn… That Wasn't
- The PlayStation 4 is Now The Second Best-Selling Console Ever
- Who Had the Better Marvel Death This Week: Wolverine or Conan? [Spoilers]
- "Crisis" Management: Casting News Will Make "Arrow" Fans VERY Happy
- "Rick and Morty": Dan Harmon Signals Season 4 Writing Wrap: "60 To Go"
- The Moment Nightwing Lost His Dick in Nightwing Annual #2 (Spoilers)
- Ch-Ch-Changes to Solicits For X-Men #5 & #6 and New Mutants #5 & #6
- Does Superman Believe in God? Who Wins When Superman Fights Batman? Superman Giant #16 Mild Spoilers…
- The Return of Kite-Man in Tom King's Batman
- "Doctor Who" Series 12: BBC Wants Us to "Watch This Space" – But Why?
- It Looks Like TMNT #100 Will Feature the Return of a Major Villain [TMNT #99 Spoilers]
- Big Solicitation Change For Thor By Jason Aaron Vol 4 Hardcover Solicit
- Artists Named for Marvel Comics' Incoming #1 Anthology
- The Old Blood Update For "Warframe" Is Now Available
- Perry Mason": HBO, EP Robert Downey, Jr. Offer First Look at Series
- "Lucifer" Halloween Table Read Looks Exactly How You'd Expect [Preview]
- The Tenth, Eleventh and Thirteenth Doctors in New Doctor Who: Christmas Special for ComicBooks For Kids
One year ago…
- The Store That Has 1000 Batman Damneds in a Warehouse
- Heroes In Crisis #3 Changes to Reveal Origin of the Sanctuary
- Nightwing Changes Volume Numbers After Benjamin Percy Leaves
- 10 DC Comics Covers Revealed From Jenny Frison, Mark Brooks, Josh Middleton and More
- Roy Thomas' Cameo in Daredevil Season 3
Happening today…
- Big Easy Con, New Orleans, LA until Sunday.
- Rhode Island Comic Con, Rhode Island Convention Center, Providence, RI until Sunday.
- Supanova Comic Con & Gaming, Adelaide, Australia until Sunday.
- Akron Comicon, Emidio & Sons Banquet Center, Cuyahoga Falls, OH
- Bad Pizza Battle, Comix Experience, San Francisco, California, noon-2pm.
- Andre Frattino signing at Gods & Monsters, Orlando, Florida, 1-3pm.
- Andrea & Roberto Molinari with Rob Andersin signing at Emerald City Comics, Clearwater, Florida, 11am-2pm.
- Bryan and Mary Talbot sign Rain at Forbidden Planet's Newcastle Megastore, 1-2pm.
- Frank Miller signing Cursed at Midtown Comics Grand Central, New York, 7-9pm.
- Daniel Barnes & D.J. Kirkland sign The Black Mage, Comix Experience, San Francisco, California, 6-8pm.
- David Dastmalchian signing at Chops Comics, Lawrence, Kansas, 2-4pm.
- Zach Weinersmith – Open Borders signing at Telegraph Art & Comics, Charlottesville, Virginia, 2-4pm.
- Winter Warrior event at Matheson History Museum, Gainesville, Florida, 2-3.30pm.
- Phillip Kennedy Johnson signing at Bedrock City Comic Co, Missouri City, Texas, 11am-1pm.
- Signing with Joseph Schmalke, Dylan Andrews, and Bob Tkacik at Black Cape Comics, Waterville, Maine 1-4pm.
- Jamie Sullivan signing at Comics & Collectibles, Sacramento, California, 1-4pm.
And a happy birthday to…
- Brian Augustyn, comic book editor and writer on Gotham By Gaslight, The Flash and Amped.
- Comic store owner, Steve Unverferth.
- Tom Lyle, artist on Starman and Robin and comic book teacher.
- Sketch card artist John Jax Jackman.
- Sharon Wright, comic book writer on The Warlord, Black Canary, and Green Arrow.
- Former director of Caliber Comics, Wayne Markley.
- Comic book writer for Panini, Pepe Caldelas.
- Comic book reviewer William Gatevackes.
And it would have been Steve Ditko's…
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