Posted in: Batman, Comics, DC Comics | Tagged: Batman, dc comics
The Dan Brereton Batman Comic That DC Comics Never Printed
Every now and then you come across a comic book that was created by a big comics publisher but never printed. Lobo: By Blows by Alan Grant and Frank Quitely, say. Or Gangs Of Gotham by Frank Tieri and John Stanisci. But here's a Batman comic book by Dan Brereton that was only published digitally, despite having painted artwork that almost screams "print me! print me!". Dan Brereton posts to Instagram about Legends Of The Dark Knight: Six Fingers.
In case you've never read it – LOTDK: SIX FINGERS is a 4-part digital-only arc you can get on Comixology/Amazon. It's likely my DC Comics swan song, but I put a lot of love into it, a creepy detective tale that takes the Dark Knight into a shadowy mountain town in the dead of night. Inexplicably, it's never been printed so this is the only way to get it. Issues #85-88. I'll say this : I'm grateful for having had the opportunity to work and earn a living in comics -making . But it's a real let-down when A: they won't release it and B: you can't do anything about it . So I concentrate my efforts now on what I can control . Im much happier now!
Maybe it's just that Batman comic books don't sell? That could be the reason. Here's how it appears on Amazon…
Legends of the Dark Knight #85
Batman's investigation of Falcone's missing daughter, Violet, leads him straight back to Falcone…and a mysterious woman with six fingers. But when he is told to keep out of Falcone family affairs or else Violet could be in more danger, that is exactly what the Caped Crusader will not do-and he starts taking matters into his own hands. *"Six Fingers" part 1 of 4.
Legends of the Dark Knight #86
Batman's investigation of Falcone's missing daughter leads him to a 17th century house in the middle of a forest. As moments become difficult to patch together, and time is seemingly warped, Batman begins to wonder if this place operates outside the rules and parameters of reality-or if someone's playing mind games with him. *"Six Fingers" part 2 of 4.
Legends of the Dark Knight #87
Batman manages to escape from the surprise attack in the forest, but lands himself in a house inhabited by a seemingly telekinetic woman protecting a trapdoor…can Violet be who's trapped under there? "Six Fingers" part 3 of 4.
Legends of the Dark Knight #88
Who is "The Keeper," what does Violet have to do with the cult, and has Batman been hallucinating the events that occurred this night or were they real? Find out here in the conclusion of "Six Fingers." "Six Fingers" part 4 of 4.