Posted in: Comics | Tagged: cartoon museum, Comics, london, things to do, things to do in london
Things to Do in London If You Like Comics, November 2019
Things to do in London in November 2019… if you like comics, of course. Exhibitions followed by events… let us know if we missed any.
Philip Bond Retrospective Exhibition, 26th October until 27th November. Orbital Comics.
Comic Creators: The Famous and the Forgotten. Special exhibition explores and celebrates the world of comics – from Aly Sloper and Dennis the Menace to Finnbar Saunders and Judge Dredd. Curated by Comics curator Steve Marchant and with the grateful assistance of the National Lottery Heritage Fund. Until December 31st, Cartoon Museum, Wells St.
The Cartoon Museum – Drawing Life. A new display showcasing the very best of the Cartoon Museums collection of cartoon art, curated by Cartoonist and Cartoon Museum Trustee Steve Bell. Until December 31st, Cartoon Museum, Wells St.
In Focus: Arts Foundation Futures Award. Esther McManus, Danny Noble, Zara Slattery and Jess Taylor have been selected from a longlist of nominated comics artists as finalists for the first AFFA in Comics. The recipient of the £10,000 award will be announced at the Arts Foundation Futures Awards on the 27th January at the ICA where all runners-up will also receive £1,000 awards towards their practice. The award was judged by three revered comics artists Woodrow Phoenix, Hannah Berry and John Allison who said; "The four finalists all draw from different schools of cartooning, but each exemplifies the greatest strength of good comics – the easy communication of complex ideas." Until December 1st, Cartoon Museum, Wells St.
In Focus: Comics Laureate. In 2014 it was announced that Dave Gibbons was to be the UK's first Comics Laureate, a role set up by the Lakes International Comics Festival. Since then we have had Charlie Adlard of Walking Dead fame take up the cape (yes, there really is a cape) and since the start of this year we have had Hannah Berry as the laureate.We will be displaying work from the 3 laureates in the museum as an in focus display. Until December 1st, Cartoon Museum, Wells St.
BARKING exhibition of the artwork & processes behind the graphic novel by LUCY SULLIVAN, Deptford Does Art Gallery. 28 Deptford High Street, 21st – 24th November.
Friday, November 1st
Hamish Steele launching new book from Nobrow, DeadEndia: The Broken Halo!, Gosh Comics, 7-9pm.
Saturday, November 2nd
Introduction to Comic Book and Graphic Novel Scriptwriting by Tony Lee, Raindance Film Training Centre, 10a Craven Street, 10am-5pm, £150.
Stories From My Place: Draw Manga in a Familiar Setting. What's your area like? What buildings do you walk past every day? Where do you spend a lot of time? Your neighbourhood, school, library or a local landmark could become a fantastic setting for a comic. Could anything humorous, mysterious or curious happen in your area? Maybe you know any local stories or urban myths? In this project, you will be able to turn those stories into manga-style comics, directed by a professional manga artist and illustrator, Irina Richards. You will learn the aspects of planning a comic – from script to finished pages – and create your own amazing visual story. This workshop is suitable for ages 7 to adult. Set of five lessons £25, early booking concession £20. Kitchen Social Club members free. Sutton Library, Saint Nicholas Way, Sutton. 11am-1pm.
The Why Of Making Comics, a practical workshop that will aid creators to explore and re-connect their motivation for making art. During the session, we will explore how knowing your why can help you smash through a creative crisis and how this can be the foundation for building a successful creative career.£27.50. Westminster Libraries & Archives, Westminster Reference Library, 35 St Martin's Street, 11am-1pm.
Visual Storytelling Studies – World building in visual storytelling, Royal Festival Hall, South Bank Centre, 11am-1pm.
Monday, November 4th
Brian Schirmer signing Fairlady Vol. 1, Forbidden Planet Megastore, 1-2pm.
Dia De Los Muertos Life Drawing Session. Art Model Collective's partnership with the Cartoon Museum continues with a session inspired by the Day Of The Dead. Entry includes admission to the museum and free art materials courtesy of GreatArt. Tickets: £20 (concs for students and unemployed available). Cartoon Museum. Wells St, 1-4pm.
Writing Comics and Original Graphic Novels with Simon Jowett. In the first session, participants ask, "Why Write Comics?", delving into challenges and opportunities of writing for a medium that is both visual and literary. Clean Prose, 2 Charlotte Road, £180.
Tuesday, November 5th
London Book Club – V For Vendetta, The Sheaf, 24 Southwark Street, 7-9pm.
Islington Comic Forum, North Library, Manor Gdns, 6.30pm
Shoe Lane Comic Forum, Shoe Lane Library, Little New Street. 5.30-7pm
Wednesday, November 6th
Thought Bubble Presents: Jillian Tamaki signing, 6-7pm, Gosh Comics
Daniel Warren Johnson signing Murder Falcom and Extremity at the Forbidden Planet Megastore 6 – 7pm
Thursday, November 7th
Troopers, Guest Invites only.
Intergalactic Superheroism across the Globe – film premiere of Dishoom India and discussion by Raminder Kaur FRSA, FRAI, The Steps, RSA, 8 John Adam St
Friday, November 8th
TALK: Intergalactic Super-heroism Across the Globe by Raminder Kaur, QMUL ArtsOne, Pinter Studio, Mile End Road, 4.30-6pm.Saturday, November 9th
Saturday, November 9th
Stories From My Place: Draw Manga in a Familiar Setting. What's your area like? What buildings do you walk past every day? Where do you spend a lot of time? Your neighbourhood, school, library or a local landmark could become a fantastic setting for a comic. Could anything humorous, mysterious or curious happen in your area? Maybe you know any local stories or urban myths? In this project, you will be able to turn those stories into manga-style comics, directed by a professional manga artist and illustrator, Irina Richards. You will learn the aspects of planning a comic – from script to finished pages – and create your own amazing visual story. This workshop is suitable for ages 7 to adult. Set of five lessons £25, early booking concession £20. Kitchen Social Club members free. Sutton Library, Saint Nicholas Way, Sutton. 11am-1pm.
WIP (Work In Progress Comics), a short drawing exercise to get our creative juices flowing, followed by a roundtable show-and-tell where those who want to can share their work and give a progress update or seek any advice they're after. Royal Festival Hall, South Bank, 11.30am-3.30pm
Monday, November 11th
Writing Comics and Original Graphic Novels with Simon Jowett. In weeks two and three, we learn the techniques of breaking down a comic script, the idea being to show how the various tools in a comic writer's toolkit enable them to compress a story into five pages (for a 2000AD-style anthology) or open it up to 20 (for the US format book). Clean Prose, 2 Charlotte Road, £180.
Wednesday, November 13th
November session of Reads, monthly reading group, discussing Rain by Mary & Bryan Talbot. 7-9pm, Gosh Comics.
Comics Laureate Round Table Evening Talk. Dave Gibbons (Watchmen), Charlie Adlard (Walking Dead) and Hannah Berry (Livestock). Tickets, £20 (£15 Concession). Cartoon Museum. Wells St, 6.30-8.30pm.
Thursday, November 14th
Tom Taylor, Trevor Hairsine and Ben Oliver signing DCeased at Forbidden Planet, 6-7pm.
Laydeez Do Comics, guest speakers Zara Slattery and Myfanwy Tristram, 6-8pm at The Cartoon Museum.63 Wells Street
Friday, November 15th
The Bad Bad Place Signing with David Hine and Mark Stafford. Mega City Comics,18 Inverness Street, 5-6.30pm.
Saturday, November 16th
Tom Fowler signing. 1-2pm, Gosh Comics.
Stan Lee's Black History, presentation will be jointly delivered by 'The Investigator' Andrew Muhammad and Black History Walks, Harris Westminster Sixth Form, 6 Tothill Street, 3-6.30pm, £11.
Stories From My Place: Draw Manga in a Familiar Setting. What's your area like? What buildings do you walk past every day? Where do you spend a lot of time? Your neighbourhood, school, library or a local landmark could become a fantastic setting for a comic. Could anything humorous, mysterious or curious happen in your area? Maybe you know any local stories or urban myths? In this project, you will be able to turn those stories into manga-style comics, directed by a professional manga artist and illustrator, Irina Richards. You will learn the aspects of planning a comic – from script to finished pages – and create your own amazing visual story. This workshop is suitable for ages 7 to adult. Set of five lessons £25, early booking concession £20. Kitchen Social Club members free. Sutton Library, Saint Nicholas Way, Sutton. 11am-1pm.
Monday, November, 18th
Writing Comics and Original Graphic Novels with Simon Jowett. In weeks two and three, we learn the techniques of breaking down a comic script, the idea being to show how the various tools in a comic writer's toolkit enable them to compress a story into five pages (for a 2000AD-style anthology) or open it up to 20 (for the US format book). Clean Prose, 2 Charlotte Road, £180.
Thursday, November 21st
Simon Tofield will be signing Simon's Cat: It's A Dog's Life at the Forbidden Planet London Megastore, 6 – 7pm
Friday, November 22nd.
Launch Night: BARKING exhibition of the artwork & processes behind the graphic novel by LUCY SULLIVAN, Deptford Does Art Gallery. 28 Deptford High Street
A Puff of Smoke Talk and Workshop with author and artist Sarah Lippett, The Centre for Better Health, 1A Darnley Road
Saturday, November 23rd
Local Comic Shop Day at Forbidden Planet, Gosh, Mega City Comics and Orbital Comics.
Gilbert Shelton signing new Fabulous Furry Freak Brothers print, Gosh Comics, 1-2pm.
Dave Kendall and Kek-W signing Fall of Deadworld Vol. 2 at Forbidden Planet Megastore, 2-3pm.
S.M.A.S.H. Realities, Dystopias, Censorship. Barbican Library, The Barbican, 5-8pm.
Westminster Drawing Club, Upstairs of the Westminster Reference Library, 35 St Martin's St, 11.30am-1.30pm.
Sunday, November 24th
Barking workshop with Lucy Sullivan. Starting with an introduction and discussion on zines and developing a graphic narrative based on a personal experience. The workshop will include brainstorming sessions, advice on techniques, development and creating comics or zines with tips on self publishing and crowdfunding. There will be demonstrations of how to fold and design zines for print, with examples of the variety of approaches and how to make a mock-up. The aim is for participants to leave with a solid starting point for developing their own stories into zines or short form comics and the knowledge to take that work into print. The workshops are open to all, in particular new or emerging creators that have not yet been published or are new to the graphic narrative genre. Materials provided by Arts Council England: Pencils and Newsprint appear in A3 & A4. Free. Deptford Does Art Gallery, 28 Deptford High Street, 2-4pm.
Monday, November, 25th
Writing Comics and Original Graphic Novels with Simon Jowett. In the following weeks, we discuss the profession by conversing about special relationships with artists and editors, the best way to pitch your graphic novel, and the reality of how to get your work "out there" in the industry.. Clean Prose, 2 Charlotte Road, £180.
Dalston Comic (creators) Club, Dalston CLR James Library, Dalston Lane, 6:30 – 7:30pm
Wednesday, November 27th
Comica Social Club, Central Bar, Royal Festival Hall, 6pm
Friday, November 29th
Ossian Lives: the second issue launch party, F.A.T. Studio @ AMP Gallery, 1 Acorn Parade, Peckham
Opening of Imprint – a publishing fair exploring the city through print. A new space for art, architecture and publishing, Imprint will be the first fair of its kind in the U.K., showcasing a broad and international selection of contemporary publishing. From photobooks to zines, pamphlets to comics, Imprint will explore the diverse ways people are using printed matter to think and talk about cities. Building Centre, 26 Store Street, 6-9pm.
Saturday, November 30th
Si Spurrier signing Hellblazer at Forbidden Planet Megastore, 1-2pm.