Posted in: Comics | Tagged: adventure time, batgirl, battle scars, Comics, conan, dc, marvel, punishermax, thief of thieves
Twelve Thoughts About Twelve Comics – PunisherMAX, Deadpool, Batwoman, Superboy, Secret Avengers, Conan, Thief Of Thieves, Wolverine And The X-Men, Battle Scars, Demon Knights, Batgirl And Adventure Time
And with that, it ends. The Punisher, the MAX version of him at least, is dead. And the world moves on. Even as Nick Fury fights against it. This is a comic about endings. Solid, stone, unbreachable endings. But damn if Jason Aaron and Steve Dillon give us a new beginning at the end… and now I really want to read that. After Punisher MAX, anyone?
In Deadpool #50, Deadpool too is dead. Although not yet. And we do get an attempt by Psylocke to read his mind that doesn't exactly go well, first. With the assassin having assassins on his trail, and various groups funding it, preventing it or trying to get to the bottom of it, it's only the cover and the promoted title that gives this comic an eerie feeling of dread.
This is Amy Reeder's first issue of Batwoman, and readers won't have to go far to compare her work to JH Williams III who still writes the book. There are still the double page spread layouts (seven in total), and the differing levels of reality on the page, with Batwoman portrayed in rich, lush painted-style while other characters are more cel-shaded, cartoonish figures with distinct lines of colour. And some excellent uses of blur and distortion to show action. Batwoman has prided itself on innovative art and storytelling, there's no let down in that this issue.
And while Superboy brings a thoroughly strong comic about a young, brash, man of power trying to deal with others and work out his limits, Supergirl appears more like a governess, someone to take this poor thing under her wing, after she's done her best to smash her around a bit. But there's something about her that's different… oh yes, she's not exactly wearing underwear, just having two Superman shield shapes placed on her privates, as if the only way they are actually staying on is by… clenching.
She's had a variety of costume designs over the years, some more racy than others. And while her current costume in her own series is hardly prudish, it doesn't quite have the appearance of being stuck on by vagina tape. At least there won't b any scenes of her being humiliated in a degrading fashion now she;s out of her own book, will there?
Well, at least she's smart. Over in Secret Avengers, Rick Remender clearly saw the news last year about the English riots, combined it with the Occupy protests and was inspired.
Captain Britain, aristocratic superhero, clearly one of the 1%. But not even he always gets his way, when criminal-turned hero overrules him in Secret Avengers,taking the top spot, and launching his own class war against the Captain.
I think we're going to quite enjoy Rick on this book, aren't we? Probably as much as Wood and Cloonan on the new Conan comic.
And a tailor whose services she clearly disposed of years ago. So, yes, Conan Vs Pirates, led by a very underdressed woman. I can hear the spaffing as I type.
Thief Of Thieves starts off with a genius juxtaposition of angles of view that, whether it was Kirkman, Spencer or Martinborough who conceived it, they should be very happy with themselves.
Add to that the kind of crime caper that, well, you might expect from Ed Brubaker, and you're golden. Especially since Ed Brubaker's gone all crime horror on Image, these guys are keeping it real.
Unlike Jason Aaron and Nick Bradshaw who are keeping it unreal. A stylised reality, perhaps, between them fitting in so much story and detail into twenty pages, you'll forget this stuff is meant to be decompressed. In three panels we get updates on the current status about the pregnant Kitty Pryde (Kitty and Buffy pregnant in the same month?) Doop jokes about religion, a reference to the codebreaker for Doop's language that fans worked out, the propensity for Wolverine to be in plenty of comics at once – and motivation for Beast's involvement with Kitty's condition invested, all with art that looks like what happens when Art Adams drinks Red Bull.
Wonderful. Very silly, but wonderful. Oh and then there's Battle Scars. Now I'm not showing you the final page but…
I believe we informed you of this at a previous juncture.
Paul Cornell gives us a wonderful timeloop for Madame Xanadu's name in Demon Knights which, yes, was never really explained.If only all parents could have their child po back in time to tell you what they are called. It would save a hell of a lot of arguments.
Gail Simone continues to not only explore the ramifications of The Killing Joke on Barbara Gordon, Batgirl, but also explore the themes of the original, featuring the origin of Gretel, steeped in abuse, both violent and sexual. The Killing Joke has the Joker try and replicate the same events that happened to both him and to Batman, only to expose his own weakness when Gordon didn't turn into a nutter. Here, we see the opposite has happened – but Batgirl now has a greater understanding of the pressures. After Killing Joke, anyone?
Adventure Time #1. Jake Suit. That is all.
Comics are courtesy of Orbital Comics in London, UK. They are currently exhibiting the original art of Mary Talbot and Bryan Talbot's Dotter Of Her Father's Eyes.