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Top 100 Heroes From Jean-Marc Lofficier's Hexagon Comics Universe

We like to keep an eye on Jean-Marc Lofficier's Hexagon Comics USA line, European comics mostly written by Jean-Marc Lofficier, translated into English and distributed solely through his websiteAmazon page or at conventions. Selling enough copies to make it more than worthwhile, as well as making certain comics available to a wider English-speaking audience. Right now that also means avoiding any kind of shutdown that doesn't include the postal service. Retailers can purchase Hexagon Comics at a 40% discount from distributor Ingram or from the publisher. And in September that means one volume, The Top 100 Heroes From The Hexagon Universe.

Top 100 Heroes From Lofficier's Hexagon Comics Universe
Top 100 Heroes From Jean-Marc Lofficier's Hexagon Comics Universe


by Romain d'Huissier
Afterword by Jean-Marc Lofficier.
cover by Alfredo Macall.
From the first appearance of Zembla in 1963, to the recent successes of Strangers and Guardian of the Republic, the 70 year-old Hexagon Comics Universe demonstrates a true French passion for comics. But with so many characters, many of whom were created decades ago, where should a new reader start? How are they to disentangle the best from the anecdotal, the masterpiece from the ordinary?
To give someone just coming to the Hexagon Universe a leg up, popular French author and game designer Romain d'Huissier has selected his 100 favorite characters, then takes us on a journey of discovery (or rediscovery) through a very special universe; one not limited to superheroes, but which also offers thrillers, fantasy, science fiction, westerns and swashbuckling sagas.
Newcomers will learn the origins and history of the major heroes. Connoisseurs will find new details about obscure and never translated characters in these treasures of French popular comics.
7×10 squarebound trade paperback, 256 p. b&w.
ISBN-13: 978-1-64932-085-8 – US$22.95

Top 100 Heroes From Lofficier's Hexagon Comics Universe
Top 100 Heroes From Jean-Marc Lofficier's Hexagon Comics Universe
Top 100 Heroes From Lofficier's Hexagon Comics Universe
Top 100 Heroes From Jean-Marc Lofficier's Hexagon Comics Universe

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Rich JohnstonAbout Rich Johnston

Founder of Bleeding Cool. The longest-serving digital news reporter in the world, since 1992. Author of The Flying Friar, Holed Up, The Avengefuls, Doctor Who: Room With A Deja Vu, The Many Murders Of Miss Cranbourne, Chase Variant. Lives in South-West London, works from Blacks on Dean Street, shops at Piranha Comics. Father of two. Political cartoonist.
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