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Warren Jaycox of Galaxy Of Comics, in Van Nuys, Dies Aged 54

Warren Jaycox of the comic book store Galaxy Of Comics, in Van Nuys, California, dies at the age of 54.

The founder of Van Nuys, California comic book store Galaxy of Comics, Warren Jaycox, died on the 28th of December after being trapped under an SUV after riding his e-scooter at the Westfield Topanga mall. The store made the announcement to its customers on social media.

Warren Jaycox of Galaxy Of Comics, in Van Nuys, Dies Aged 54
Galaxy Of Comics, Google Streetview screencap

"Dear friends and loyal customers, We are heartbroken to announce the unexpected death of Galaxy's fearless leader (and Guardian of our Galaxy), Warren Jaycox, on December 28, 2024. We ask for your patience and care as his family and friends move through the next stages of planning. There is currently no information to share regarding a memorial, but we will update you all as it unfolds. As of now, the shop will remain open normal hours. If this changes as we figure out how to support the staff and the GoC community, we will update you here. We appreciate your flexibility. Warren loved this store, and each and every one of you who helped make his dream a reality for the last 15+ years. We know he impacted so many people with his kindness, his passion, and his generosity. Through all the ups and downs of owning an independent comic shop, we all stayed loyal to him because he was loyal to us. In that spirit, be good to each other. Give hugs to yourself, the shop cats, and your loved ones. Keep buying banned books and supporting independent creators and fighting the system like you know Warren would. We love you. See you soon. The entire Galaxy of Comics team."

Warren Jaycox of Galaxy Of Comics, in Van Nuys, Dies Aged 54
Galaxy Of Comics, Google Streetview screencap

Warren Jaycox died, riding an e-scooter, after he got trapped under an SUV that was leaving the Westfield Topanga mall parking lot turned right. The driver of the SUV, who was reported as being around 17 years old, stayed at the scene and cooperated with investigators, according to the LAPD. Jaycox opened Galaxy of Comics in 2009 and, in 2021, expanded it, taking over the store next door.

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Rich JohnstonAbout Rich Johnston

Founder of Bleeding Cool. The longest-serving digital news reporter in the world, since 1992. Author of The Flying Friar, Holed Up, The Avengefuls, Doctor Who: Room With A Deja Vu, The Many Murders Of Miss Cranbourne, Chase Variant. Lives in South-West London, works from The Union Club on Greek Street, shops at Gosh, Piranha and FP. Father of two daughters. Political cartoonist.
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