Posted in: Cosplay, Games, Video Games | Tagged: canada, cosplay, Fallout
'Fallout' Cosplayer Almost Mistaken For Bomber In Canada
One of the biggest rules in cosplay creation: Make it look real, but not too real. Why? Because you end up with moments like the one in Grande Prairie, Alberta. According to CBC News, an unnamed cosplayer was walking down the street in full Fallout gear, including a New California Republic flag. As popular as Fallout may be as a series, like most pop-culture, not everyone knows what the hell it is. So to the untrained eye, the photo below looks mighty suspicious.
Residents who didn't know any better called the RCMP, who showed up to a tailor's shop where the cosplayer was getting alterations. After evacuating the shop, police got in touch with the guy rather than swarming the shop, and discovered the wires on his body were not connected to a bomb, but Pringles cans spraypainted silver. Photos of the cops look both relieved and like they're getting a laugh out of the situation, and what a relief they chose to talk instead of going in like a SWAT team. But let this be a lesson to would-be costume designers… If you're going to go dangerous, make sure it doesn't look too authentic so that someone might end up calling the cops on you.