Posted in: Free League Publishing, Games, Tabletop | Tagged: Free League Publishing, Tabletop, TTRPG
Free League Publishing Announces Two New Open Game Licenses
In the middle of all the talk of having Open Game Licenses for third-party tabletop content, Free League Publishing will add its own.
The folks over at Free League Publishing announced this morning that they will be launching two Open Game Licenses of their own. In what is essentially a response to the drama surrounding Dungeons & Dragons' recent troubles with their proposed new OGL, and the announcement that Paizo will be launching their own OGL for everyone who no longer trusts the D&D OGL, Free League will have two systems out for the public to use within the next week or so. Those licenses will revolve around the Year Zero engine and the one used for Dragonbane. Both of these have systems that are easy to grasp and build third-party content around if you so desire. We got more info from FLP below about the move as we now wait for them to go public.
"The Year Zero Engine in various iterations has been used in most Free League RPGs in recent years, including Mutant: Year Zero, Coriolis, Tales From the Loop, Forbidden Lands, ALIEN, Vaesen, Blade Runner RPG, and the upcoming The Walking Dead Universe RPG. The YZE is an accessible, fast, and adaptable rules framework that encourages story-focused and player-driven playstyles. The new Year Zero Engine OGL is designed to be easy to understand and use for creators. It will give creators an irrevocable, worldwide, and royalty-free right to use Year Zero Engine Standard Reference Document (YZE SRD) and freely publish their own roleplaying material based on it."
"Alongside the new YZE OGL, the YZE SRD itself is being given a major overhaul and update, based on the developments of the Year Zero Engine in recent years. The new SRD will include more rules variants and add rules for chases, vehicles, travel, and magic. Beside the YZE OGL, Free League will also release a third-party license for the upcoming Dragonbane RPG, which was successfully Kickstarted last year. This license allows creators to freely publish RPG supplements explicitly compatible with Dragonbane, and to place the special A Module for Dragonbane logo (below) on the front cover. The Dragonbane license is intended for third-party supplements for the game, not new standalone games, and thus does not have an SRD. This license is similar to the Free League Workshop community content program on DrivethruRPG, but allows creators to freely choose where to share or sell Dragonbane modules and without paying any royalties to anyone."