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Valorant Drops New Patch With All Sorts Of Content
Riot Games has released a new patch into Valorant that brings in a new map, bug fixes, and other content changes.
Riot Games revealed all of their latest additions to Valorant as the company dropped the 6.00 Patch this past week. Chief on the list of new additions is the latest map, Lotus, which will bring about a new 3-site system with several rotation options. It's only in Swiftplay mode for now until the company releases the 6.1 Patch later this month. They've also added several competitive updates, bug fixes, progression updates, and more. We got the notes for you here as the patch is live.
Gameplay Systems Updates
- Reworked the way guns process Zoom inputs for ADS and Scopes when using Toggle Zoom.
- There should now be fewer cases that can lead to Zoom disagreements between the Client and Server under adverse network conditions like packet loss and ping jitter. Additionally, Zoom Inputs when using Toggle Zoom can now be buffered earlier than before, and multiple zoom level transitions can be buffered at once.
Valorant Competitive Updates
Overall, the changes below should make Ranked Rating gains and losses feel more consistent and reduce the effect stomps have on your RR. We'll keep a close eye on the data to make additional adjustments as necessary.
- Episode reset reminder: A new Episode means a ranked reset! Expect your placement rank to be lower than at the end of Episode 5, and good luck on your climb!
- Context: Remember we reset each episode to kick of the start of a new ranked ladder. This is a chance for players to show off their skills in the new season, as well as reset players in the ladder who may no longer be active.
- For all players: Ranked Rating gains/losses will depend slightly more on Win/Loss, and slightly less on the exact round differential of the match.
- Context: Players experience too wide of RR gains/losses from match to match based on the round differential (one win could give 12RR, and the next win could give 20RR). We're making this change to reduce that swing of RR in gains and losses.
- Winning is still the most important way to climb!
- For Valorant players whose ranks are far away from their MMR: RR gains will depend more on individual performance instead of round differential. You should also see your rank and MMR converge faster.
- Context: We received feedback that players felt like they would not be rewarded for a good game or punished too harshly for a bad game during their ranked climb.
- If a player's rank is below their actual MMR, they will be rewarded more for a good game. If a player's rank is above their MMR, they will not be harshly penalized if they lose, but perform well in that match.
Progression Updates
We've heard your feedback and added the ability to favorite specific Variants of your gun skins (along with some UX/UI changes to better support that). Now, when you favorite a specific Variant, only your favorite Variants will enter the potential pool of weapons you can take into the game if you've equipped the Random Favorite for that weapon type. On release, your existing favorite weapon skins will now have all unlocked Variants favorited to maintain consistency with current behavior.
Bug Fixes
- Odin's ammo belt will no longer visually pop into a vertical position when swapping gun buddies in the Model Viewer.
- Ascent: Fixed a bug when breaking the door at Market by using an ability on the wall to the side of it.
- Fixed a bug where Cypher's Trapwire (C) could be placed through Sage's Barrier Orb (C).
- Fixed objects like traps that were not being damaged if they are placed in Molotov patches that are already active.
- Fixed bug where you could see Skye's Seekers (X) on the minimap while they were still invisible if you had a line of sight to their hidden location.
- Fixed a bug where suppression would not properly interrupt Fade's Prowler (C) control.
- Fixed a bug where Viper was able to deactivate her ultimate, Viper's Pit (X), while suppressed.
- Various Valorant gameplay damage interactions fixed:
- Killjoy's Lockdown (X) now properly takes damage from all abilities.
- Fixed Skye's Trailblazer (Q) dealing damage to enemy Skye's Trailblazer (Q) and Sova's Owl Drone (C).
- Fixed Sova's Hunter's Fury (X) and Breach's Aftershock (C) not damaging Raze's Blast Pack (Q).
- Fixed Phoenix's Blaze (C) not dealing damage to Harbor's Cove (Q), Raze's Blast Pack (Q), Reyna's Leer (C), Sova's Recon Bolt (E), and KAY/O's ZERO/POINT (E).
- Fixed Brimstone's Orbital Strike (X) not dealing damage to Harbor's Cove (Q).
- Fixed Breach's Aftershock (C), Raze's Showstopper (X) and Paint Shells (E), damaging allied Killjoy's Nanoswarm (C).
- Fixed Sova Hunter's Fury (X) damaging allied Fade's Haunt (E).
- Fixed Killjoy's Nanoswarm (C), Phoenix's Hot Hands (E) and Blaze (C) not dealing damage to Chamber's Rendezvous (E) and Trademark (C).