Posted in: Interview, Movies | Tagged: 2001: a space odyssey, 2067, climate change, kodi smit-mcphee, rlje films, ryan kwanten, Seth Larney
2067: Director Seth Larney Talks Long Road Making His Vision Happen
There's something to be said about counting your blessings during these difficult times, and what hard work can do to turn your dreams into reality, and director Seth Larney is proof positive of that message with his latest film 2067. The director started developing his passion project when he was 25 in 2005, focusing on his two loves, science fiction, and the environment. "I spent the next ten years doing jobs in between planning for it, developing the story, and working on drafts," Larney said. "In the meantime, I directed commercials, television shows, commercials, and music videos."
Getting his start in visual effects, Larney bounced around working different aspects behind the camera from editing, producing, and various other crew positions until his big break came with the 2017 film Tombiruo. "It was an incredible experience shooting Tombiruo, and the reason being is it's a studio movie," he said. "2067 is an independent film and my story. I wanted to go through the logistics when making that film to make a good movie. It also helped put me in a position that was advantageous for a writer-director like myself sorting those logistical issues out. Tombiruo helped me understand how to make a production as efficient as possible."
As Larney developed the script and his vision, the films of Stanley Kubrick, Terry Gilliam, Duncan Jones, and Denis Villeneuve inspired and help mold 2067. "2001: A Space Odyssey (1968) was a huge inspiration to me. It's more of a tonal than a visual reference. There are others like 12 Monkeys (1995). I loved that film; other films [that inspired me] like Moon (2009), Arrival (2016), other sci-fi type films. It wasn't just for visual references, but thematic as well. There are genre films that have a deeper meaning in space. One of the challenges of the film as sci-fi was that there wasn't anything on set that we didn't have to build, which mean it was an opportunity to align everything right." When it finally came to making the film, Larney realized he approached a watershed moment when he cast stars Kodi Smit-McPhee and Ryan Kwanten: the film he fought for so long to create was no longer his because they took in the vision he shared and made it theirs. "I was worried about the environment and the world," Larney said. "I wanted to put it out there that we can do it something. Kodi told me that 'This is the kind of movie my generation has been waiting for.' I got a sense at the moment that the film was no longer mine, but it was his. That was the most gratifying moment for me when making the film." The RLJE Film also stars Sana'a Shaik, Deborah Mailman, and Aaron Glenane. 2067 is currently in theatres.