Posted in: Horror, Movies, Paramount Pictures | Tagged: horror, movies, scream, scream 5
4 Characters That Deserve to Be Mentioned in the Next Scream Film
Scream 5 is a little over a year away (ok, like a year and three months), but that hasn't slowed down our excitement whatsoever. Because of the fact that we have a returning cast, including the core three and a returning player from Scream 4, we know that this continues to follow the events for the first four films.
Just like the Scream films before, the slight callbacks and shoutouts to previous deceased characters are always appreciated by fans — but Scream 5 could use a few that would help expand the horror film's ongoing story.
Billy Loomis
Ok, so obviously, we know Billy is dead. Not in a "Maybe Stu survived a television-to-the-face" speculation that Scream fans enjoy either. Billy Loomis is very dead. With that being said, Billy was a key figure in the Scream universe and is often regarded as the most iconic killer the films have ever seen.
Because this will take place decades after the original, it would be interesting to hear Billy's name pop up. Is the Loomis bloodline something that ever continued? Is he a distant memory? Or maybe he's now viewed as a trendy '90s fancam celebrity type to the youth of Woodsboro — anything is possible in a post-2020 Scream. With Sidney being back in the town where tragedy struck on several occasions, it's proven to be impossible for her to not think back about Billy (see: Scream 4), so it would be nice to have something for Sidney to tangibly mention or acknowledge.
Neil Prescott
Sidney's father has never had a major role in the Scream franchise, but he's pretty much the only familial bond that our final girl has left. In the original Scream, he was nearly killed and framed; in Scream 3, he watched his daughter spiral, and in Scream 4, he was nowhere to be seen.
It's been said that other versions of the script initially included a mention of Sidney's father had passed away, but that was cut from the film, so we were left with an ambiguous non-answer. If we hear mention that her father did, in fact, pass away, or that he's retired and living his best life somewhere in retirement, it would be nice to at least know what happened to her father, considering her mother's death was tragic enough.
Kirby Reed
This can't really be considered a list of necessary cameos or references without the one and only Kirby Reed — the new generation's Randy with a much cooler edge to her. Kirby was the movie-buff that knew all the rules of horror and yet was left to bleed out at the hands of her friend (turned brief romantic interest) Charlie.
The cutscene left Kirby wriggling on the ground bleeding — which in horror is practically ensuring there's more to the story if you aren't given an on-screen demise. In the film's commentary and on social media, it has been acknowledged by Craven himself that her death wasn't clarified in the script to keep things up in the air, so this would be the best way to finally address a decade long conversation.
Even if we aren't getting a Hayden Panettiere cameo in the film, I'm sure there are a lot (yes, we see you Scream-Twitter) of fans who would love to find out a fan-favorite character survived her encounter with Ghostface.
Maureen Prescott
Maureen Prescott is one of the most mysterious pre-movie murders in the horror genre, with no actual living dialogue by the woman inspiring the events of a franchise. We know that Maureen was unfaithful to her husband with Cotton Weary. Still, as the franchise unfolds, you learn about her history in Hollywood, another child, and more to the affair with Hank Loomis — so Maureen is full of surprises!
Sidney has since become a woman approaching her mother's age when the film first began. Hence, it's hard to imagine that Sidney hasn't found herself reflecting on their relationship as an adult and survivor of the tragedy. Maureen truly became the original Woodsboro murder that launched the town into mainstream media, so it could be a nice point to explore decades after Sidney's mother's death.
What characters would you like to see referenced in Scream 5?