Posted in: Movies | Tagged: batfleck, Batman, ben affleck, HRL, justice league
Report: Ben Affleck Got Along Well With Fellow Actors In Justice League
Addressing parental concerns that actor Ben Affleck may be having trouble socializing at school, a new report from Access Hollywood reveals that the Justice League star has playing well with others, and is enjoying social interaction within his peer group. Speaking in a video interview with the show, Affleck talked about the filming.
Affleck said:
"Everybody got along and I think it comes across in the movie. You see the camaraderie of this group. You root for them to come together and a part of that is we all genuinely like each other and had complementary personalities and skillsets as these heroes and that was just a lot of fun."
It's great news that Affleck is is making so many friends on set. The actor had previously appeared withdrawn, first dropping out of directing follow-up standalone Batfleck Batflick, The Batman, then no longer writing it, leading to rumors that he may not even want to star in it anymore. Thankfully, it seems that finding the right ratio of actors to directors and a more lighthearted tone for the movie has helped Affleck adjust.
"It was much more fun than the last movie because I had all these people to play with," Affleck revealed.
At press time, parents and teachers agreed to check back on Ben Affleck's progress once Justice League hits theaters on November 17th.