Posted in: Movies | Tagged: kevin smith
Kevin Smith: "There's No Such Thing As A Bad Comic Book Movie"
Despite being a huge fan of comic book movies, Kevin Smith has apparently never seen Man of Steel or Superman v. Batman: Dawn of Justice. At least, that's the only logical conclusion one can come to after Smith's latest comments in an interview with ScreenRant declaring that all comic book movies are good and there has never been a bad one.
"All of 'em are good," said Smith, who has apparently never seen Catwoman or Howard The Duck. "There's no such thing as a bad comic book movie. Even the ones that people say are quote-unquote bad are better than no comic book movies."
According to Smith, who we have no choice but to believe has never watched Batman & Robin and somehow managed to avoid seeing Green Lantern or Jonah Hex, growing up in a world where comic book movies are rare given him an appreciation for any comic book flick, regardless of quality.
"I'm a forty-seven-year-old man, so I grew up in an era where there were no comic book movies," explained the man who logic dictates has never watched Elektra or Josh Trank's Fantastic Four. "And then every once in awhile you'd get one, and it was like water in a desert. You'd get Batman in 1989, or Blade or something like that. So now, we live in an era where they're like, 'Hey, we're not even gonna do an interconnected DC universe. We're just gonna let Martin Scorsese produce a flick where Leonardo DiCaprio might play the Joker.' That's exciting. So, to me, I'm like, the more the merrier."
At press time, Bleeding Cool was unable to confirm whether or not Smith had ever seen League of Extraordinary Gentlemen, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 3, X-Men: The Last Stand, Frank Miller's The Spirit, or either of the Nicholas Cage Ghost Rider films. We'll keep you updated on this developing situation.