Posted in: Movies, TV | Tagged: cw, entertainment, Harrison Wells, mirror master, television, The Flash, Top
Reflecting On The Mirror Master And Top
This article contains spoilers for The Flash episode The New Rogues.
The most recent episode of the Flash introduced us to two of the classic rogues… Mirror Master and Top. It also brought up what might be the dumbest idea anyone at STAR Labs has come up with… and they've come up with a few.
We'll begin with the new rogues and the return of Leonard Snart. More screen time is always good for Wentworth Miller and it's interesting to see what he was up to the night of the particle accelerator explosion. There take on Sam Scudder was good, making him a bit of a narcissist is a nice touch. Changing Roscoe Dillon to Rosalind Dillion was fine but changing her powers from spinning to vertigo seemed strange. It basically changed a themed villain into a copy of Count Vertigo.
I had a problem with how they caught Scudder. The scientific concept was good, but the execution seemed a bit easy. Surrounding him with mirrors was a nice idea but couldn't he simply moved one of them and physically walked out of the circle? Or once the Flash moved one to step out, wouldn't that do it too?
Normally the romantic parts of the show are he weaker points for me, but tonight they were fun. Wally West and Jesse Wells are cute together and seeing how uncomfortable both Joe West and Barry Allen are with the idea of Barry and Irish kissing in front of Joe… was entertaining.
Now, really interesting part for me is Caitlin Snow's tapping into the Killer Frost power. We don't have any backstory. here. Has she been able to do this since the accelerator exploded and has been hiding it in this new reality or is this something that just popped up since Barry came back. And is Doctor Alchemy tied into this somehow?
And now to the elephant in the room. How do a group of really intelligent people come up with the idea to just pick another Harrison Wells out of the multiverse to become part of the team? In what way could this possibly end well? So far one Wells turned out to be Eobard Thawne in disguise and the second sold out the team to Zoom at one point. Unless this is going to be played as a joke and the guys secret objective is to get a hold of the Big Belly Burger secret sauce recipe to take back to his world….this just seems like a bad idea.
Next week we get to see a big monster in Central City… unlike when Killer Shark was in town… and it looks like the new Harrison Wells has secret machinations.