Collectors Cornered is a weekly video column, filmed inside Collectors Corner in Baltimore. Join us every week
Video Archives Top Ten Comic Book Deaths! Supurbia #4, host Grace Randolph's original comic book from BOOM Studios, is hitting Aaron Haaland of A Comic Shop in Florida writes; This week is total comic overload! Something for everyone,
From the MTV Movie Awards last night, some new looks atThe Dark Knight Rises. Skip to 02:40 if you need to get straight to the hairless ape in question. Although that's not a very accurate Top Ten Male Superheroes! Host Grace Randolph welcomes former DC & Vertigo editor and current writer The clue comes with the crumbling DC Peel logo. A trailer for a new console/PC game, Injustice: Gods Among Us, Arrow on The CW, The Dark Knight Returns Animated, Hulk and the Agents of S.M.A.S.H. - get ready for all the
Off to do the Bleeding Cool Fan Awards at Phoenix Comic Con... will report back afterwards. Until then, here's some of the people I've been numping into The show started yesterday afternoon with a healthy turnout and a real party atmosphere that went well into the Top Ten Female Superheroes! Host Grace Randolph welcomes comic book artist Amy Reeder, who has worked on Madame
Phoenix Comic Con is now open. But I had a little wander around the queue ninety minute before it did open, and a peek inside the venue itself. Why not From Aaron Haaland of A Comic Shop in Florida writes; This week is AWESOME! First, I was right about the Night of the Owls is the first big crossover event of The New 52 from DC Comics, so host Grace Randolph gives Gun. Thanks to WayToBlue. Tom Hardy is Bane in The Dark Knight Rises 2012, hoping to give new life to Bane after Batman and Robin! Host! While shooting a commercial for using the actual Batmobile from the 1998 Batman movie,
Take the cover of tomorrow's Avengers Vs X-Men #4... and it triggers a new motion comic summing up the story so far. And jiggling Hope around quite a bit. The Avengers 2012 is a huge hit, but not all comic book readers are happy about that. Host Grace Randolph takes
Here's how last weekend's Free Comic Book Day looked down under, at Kaboom Comics in Toowoomba. That's a lot of double-ohs... Kickstarter is changing the world of the comic book, and one of the very first successful comic book
This morning, Filipino comic book websites reported the death of Tony DeZuñiga, known locally as “Mang Tony”. Tony was one of the earliest artists from Host Grace Randolph focuses on two audience favorites from Marvel's The Avengers hitting theaters in 2012, and Bill Meeks talks with Brett Rounsaville about Kickstarter, self-publishing comics, and his new comic The
Bleeding Cool has been following the comparison between Marvel and DC on the manufacture of their hardcovers, and managed to wring a promise out of Dan It is an impressive volume for no money... Disney XD has premiered it's new Marvel animation block of 2012, yet fans are not happy about the Ultimate There may be a Real Life Supervillain. There are questions about his behaviour during the May Day protests in Surely... surely this muct be cheaper than the CGI that Marvel Studios use in the movies? Snap him up, folk,