The comic tries to do a sendoff for the character in the end, and that works well enough.
Exiles #5 art by Javier Rodriguez and Alvaro Lopez
Javier Rodriguez pulls out all the stops for this issue He does some of the best work of his impressive career here The visuals are creative, the sequencing is clever[...]
alvaro lopez Archives
While there is something to be said about pairing a classic film genre (Ben even namechecks Errol Flynn) with the harsh realities of slavery a la Django Unchained, it's hard to keep a smile on your face when you know how this atrocity went down.
This issue's a bit wordier than previous installments too.
Those criticisms considered,[...]
Also, Valkyrie and Becky hit it off.
Exiles #3 art by Javier Rodriguez, Alvaro Lopez, and Chris O'Halloran
The artwork of Javier Rodriguez continues to impress in its creation of this uniquely beautiful comic His softer and more rounded style gives the air of levity that this book about dying worlds needs Plus, little background details are[...]
However, the comic lends itself to that kind of goofiness, so I wasn't too bothered.
Exiles #2 art by Javier Rodriguez, Alvaro Lopez, and Chris O'Halloran
Rodriguez's artwork continues to be distinct, appealing, and highly energetic with its fairly cartoonish style that adds a softness to the world of the Exiles It looks good, and it adds[...]
This is partially due to the comic's attempts to stay in "real-time" with the characters, so, when Blink must explain things to members of the new Exiles team, we are given her explanation of the conflict multiple times.
That aside, it is a charming read, and this version of Blink seems like she will be a[...]