Andrew Losq Archives

"Music And Writing – It's the Same Thing" – The Bleeding Cool Interview with Adam P. Knave of Amelia Cole, Artful Daggers, Never Ending
Williams, with art by Andrew Losq and lettering by Frank Cvetkovic It features the exposive change wrought by technological advancement dropped into the heart of medieval England, leading to corporate power houses in the place of monarchies, and follows the activities of spies and assassins grappling within these competitive super powers 8 issues are available[...]
Six Things About Artful Daggers
Williams, with art by Andrew Losq, letters by Frank Cvetkovic and logo by BJ Witts it's one of the oddest, and most interesting titles in Monkeybrain's already wildly diverse and interesting range. The book is a sequel to A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court Set fifty years after that time traveller brought science and technology[...]