bbc3 Archives

Spoilers: In The Flesh – Two Surprises From Episode One
I confess I wasn't expecting too much of BBC3's In The Flesh It felt like a "something to replace Being Human" insert, it seemed a "quick, Walking Dead, do that" exercise And maybe it was both of those things. But it did a couple of extraordinary things Firstly, it subverted the audience's expectations of a[...]
Putting Alan Moore On The List – The Fades, Episode Two
Just a nice piece of dialogue from the party in the second episode of The Fades, the BBC3 drama about the encrouching war between the living and their ghosts. Paul: Me and Mac discussed who our ideal girl was the other days We decided Queen Amidala crossed with Marion Ravenwood, Princess Airwin, Ororo Monroe or Storm[...]
BBC3's The Fades Promo Bits From MCM
BBC3's The Fades was previewed for the first time at the MCM Expo London today The footage shown involved ghosty things, old men, sexy women, yoots, people with guns, and lots and lots of shadows Oh and someone vomiting a live moth. They were also handing out these flyers Courtesy of my scanner, consider this a[...]
Seventh Series Of Ideal Starts Tomorrow Night
But dark sitcom Ideal, starring Johnny Vegas, reaches it's seventh series, starting tomorrow on BBC3 at 10.30pm. Somewhere between Shameless and Twin Peaks, Graham Duff's Ideal is funny, character based but also sleepily surreal, mining the same territory as Chris Morris' Jam in creating a woozy otherwise sense of reality, comedy, and fear It really is[...]
BBC Debuts New Supernatural Horror Series, The Fades, At MCM London Expo
Okay, this looks like a good one. The Fades is a new series debuting on BBC3 later in the year But next weekend you can see a preview at the MCM London Expo in London's East End. It's about a young man, Paul,  who dreams of the apocalypse that he can't understand Not until he starts to[...]
Paul Cornell's Pulse Not Commissioned
BBC3 looks hard at Appreciation Index responses, how good they thought a series might be Pulse got an okay AI There's a range of reasons It's about which one you think creatively – instinctively – has the most mileage. However a more supernatural take has been comissioned, Touch by Jack Thorne, about a[...]