Bleeding Cool received the following video from an anonymous source, that leaks the private address that Dan DiDio made to retailers before the New 52 relaunch/reboot in 2011 It is accompanied with the V For Vendetta imagery commonly used by the Anonymous Group, along with critical commentary of DiDio and his fellow DC Comics executives.
dan didio Archives DC Comics is publishing the Poison Ivy mini-series, by Amy Chu and Clay Mann, one of the few
It will be in stores, for free, in two weeks. But here it is, almost complete, in advance. Because, yes, no listing for Batman/Superman
There has been some disquiet on the John Stewart Green Lantern Appreciation Thread on CBR's message boards, to the extent that Ethan Van Sciver popped by
Kaboom! Here we go folks, the full DC Comics solicitations, all the June Rebirth books, all the continuing non-DC Universe series and concluding
This is a Gendercrunching Special from Tim Hanley. On Saturday at WonderCon, DC Comics announced the creators behind their brand new line up of mainline
At the DC Comics co-publisher "Sunday Conversation" panel at WonderCon today, Dan DiDio shared a story with Jimmy Palmiotti and Scott Snyder about advice he received from legendary DC Comics editor, the late Julie Schwartz That "every ten years, you gotta give the universe an enema."
Longtime colleague and Harley Quinn writer Jimmy Palmiotti asked why they[...]
It's a clumsy title, but that's what I'm going to talk about here this morning: the DC Rebirth announcements from Wondercon, the reaction of artist Liam
Time to look back on what we said about DC Rebirth. What did we get right? What did we get wrong? In December last year, Bleeding Cool reported that, I am
Apologies for missing out Ivan Reis yesterday, announced on Aquaman for DC Rebirth. A product of sickness and exhaustion. As well as Dan Abnett, Brad
With the release of Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice this weekend, DC All-Access put out their list of the top ten Superman fights of all time. Well, to
Aspen Comics has launched one of the biggest Humble Bundle digital collections ever., worth $585. Where you pay what you want - but the more you pay, the
Neil Greenaway for attended the Denver Independent Comic & Art Expo for Bleeding Cool. Neil Greenaway writes, March 25, 2016 marked the
When DC Comics moved from New York to Burbank, those who chose to stay with the company were moved out, uprooting their lives from one coast to the other.
More and more here. And how long till this hits eBay, for all those in attendance?
It's all on shut down. Less here. But is that Jorge Jimenez' cover for Super Sons? Is he doing more?
Right now, Matt Hawkins and Bryan Hill are giving a presentation over at Wondercon in Los Angeles. We have their big announcements and some art to go with
Bleeding Cool pointed out how The Criminal 10th Anniversary Special by Ed Brubaker and Sean Phillips from Image Comics was near the top of this past
With Damian taking the lead. A long awaited another tick... More and more here.
More and more here.
More and more here. But this is the return of Terry McGinnis.
Christopher Priest!!! He wrote my favourite run on Black Panther - one of my favourite Marvel runs of all time. He co-created Quantum And Woody, my
Looks like they've lost the Constantine name... More and more here.
More and more here.
More and more here.
More and more here. Titans Hunt is crucial to Rebirth.
More and more here. Geoff is still doing Rise of the Seven Seas with Dan Abnett Mera goes to the restaurant in Aquaman #1 and tries clam chowder for the
Simon Baz and Jessica Cruz are the new Green Lanterns defending the most dangerous place - Earth! More and more here.
Cyborg With John Semper, Will Conad and Paul Pelletier. The concept of the singularity, where machine and man meet. More and more here.